More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,39

Hopefully it happened sooner rather than later.

We sat in the car in front of her house. We’d shut the restaurant down talking about her upcoming interviews, and she wanted to know all about my training with Gio.

“Do you think you’ll ever fight?” she asked with concern.

“I mean, I’d like to beat Dick up, but I doubt he’d get in the octagon with me.”

“Stop. Richard plays soccer, he’s not a fighter, and he really is a nice guy.”

“Well, there’s no one else I want to fight, so no. I’ve sparred with a few guys, but I’m not looking for another obligation. It’s just something I’m doing for me,” I said, as we faced one another in the front seat of my Audi. The streetlight shined down on her, illuminating her gorgeous face. I wanted to kiss her so bad, I tried to focus on anything but her mouth.

“I get that. I’d love to see you doing your thing,” she said, biting down on her bottom lip.

“Come with me tomorrow. You can get in a little workout. Wouldn’t hurt for you to know a few self-defense moves.”

“Really? Yeah, that sounds fun. I have class all day, but I’m done at around three P.M.”

“Perfect. I’ll pick you up at three-thirty,” I said, happy that she’d agreed to see me tomorrow. My plan was working.

“Okay. When do you fly out?”

“Tomorrow night around eight. So maybe we can just grab a pizza after the workout?” I said. Because pizza and workouts were something friends did. Didn’t matter that I was already fantasizing about seeing Jade in her workout tights all sweaty and tired.


“Sounds good. So, um, are you just sleeping at your place tonight?” She fidgeted with the ring that still hung on a chain around her neck and stared down at her hands when she asked.

I leaned forward and tipped her chin up to meet my gaze. I was taking a different approach this time. If Jade wanted to put me in the friend-zone I was going to have to put her there as well.

“Are you asking me to have a sleepover again?”

“What? No. I mean, I hadn’t thought about it,” she whispered, avoiding my gaze.

Bullshit. It was all either of us were thinking about.

“I think another sleepover might be dangerous,” I said, waiting for her jade greens to lock with mine.

“You do?”

“I do.”

“Why?” she asked, holding her chin up high now, like it was a shield against what I might say.

“Because the next time I’m in bed with you, I won’t be there as your friend. I’ll be there because you want me as much as I want you. And you’ll be mine in every way.”

“Oh,” she said, her eyes doubled in size as they took me in.

“Do you remember what we were like together? The way we made one another feel?” I asked.

“Yeah. Of course.” Her voice was just above a whisper.

“Good.” I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. My fingers found her trembling hand in her lap.

She didn’t move. She stayed completely still. She just held my hand and her breaths came hard and fast. Fuck me. I used my other hand to adjust myself from where I sat. The last thing I wanted was to get out of the car with a raging boner.

My lips hovered right beside her ear. “Okay, let’s get you inside.”

I pulled back and she shook her head, wiping her palms on her jeans. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”

I smiled as I got out of the car, knowing how I was affecting her. I walked her to the front door.

“Alright. See you tomorrow afternoon?” I asked.

“Yep. Sounds good. Thanks for dinner.”

“See you tomorrow, More Jade,” I said, walking backward to my car.

She waved and tripped over her own feet when she stepped inside, and I heard her laughter fill the air around me. And I fucking loved it.

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