More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,36

he moved past them. He was gorgeous, and today he looked part rock star, part sexy professor. It worked for him.

“Well, that was awkward.” Richard said.

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Look, Jade. This thing between you two is clearly not finished. Not by a long shot. Hell, I wanted to grab some popcorn and watch the fireworks myself just now,” Richard said.

I shook my head and sighed. “We’re not together. But you’re right. I’m connected to him in a way I can’t explain.”

He smiled. “I get it. It’s obvious. And he’s not walking away without a fight.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t even know what it is. I can’t be with him right now. But I can’t be with anyone else either, if that makes sense?”

“It does. And you’ve been honest about it. I’m the one that pushed things because I thought I’d wear you down. But now that I see what I’m up against, I don’t think that’s going to happen.” He chuckled. “At least not yet.”

“I’m sorry.”

We walked in the building and down the hall, before taking our seats. “Don’t be sorry. I get it. And if you want to make him think we’re dating to keep some distance, feel free. The dude clearly hates me anyway.”

I nodded. That wasn’t a bad idea. “I may take you up on that. Thanks. I think I need to be alone right now. Focus on my interviews and school.”

“Sounds like a wise plan.”

Class started, and Richard and I took notes and shifted into work mode. He was a good guy. I was glad to finally clear the air. Things weren’t finished with Cruz, but I also wasn’t about to jump back in blindly. But the idea of seeing him again tonight had my belly fluttering.

I finished class, went to research for a few hours, and ran home to change before dinner. Cruz knocked on the door at six P.M. sharp. He looked good, per usual. It was effortless for him, as he wore a plain white tee and dark jeans.

“You look good, More Jade.” He kissed my cheek and we made our way out to the car. Ari wasn’t home and being alone at the house with him was a bad idea right now. I was feeling all sorts of things at the moment and being in a public place would be a better choice. He opened the passenger door for me. For a broody rock star, the boy always had impeccable manners.

“How were classes today?” he asked when he climbed in the driver’s seat and buckled up.

“Good. How did it go for you? Were you nervous?”

“Nah. I’m used to singing in front of pretty big crowds, so that shit doesn’t get to me.”

“I don’t know how you do it. I hate public speaking,” I said, studying his profile, his eyes trained on the road.

“You get used to it. How does Italian food sound?”


When we got to the restaurant, we were seated at a little table in the back. The place was buzzing with chatter and the smell of garlic and warm bread filled the space around me.

“So…” he said, reaching for a piece of bread.


“I wanted to talk to you about something.” He paused when the waiter approached, and we placed our order.

“Go on. What do you want to talk about?”

“Your interview in New York. You didn’t want to use the plane or the apartment. Is it because you’re afraid I’ll show up?”

When Cruz Winslow was vulnerable, it did something to me. Always had. It was rare for him to show his vulnerability, and it was so sincere it made my heart heavy.

I laughed. “I’m not afraid you’ll show up.”

He studied me. “So, then why? Don’t friends help one another?”

I let out a long sigh. “Your dad is not my friend, Cruz. He doesn’t like me, for whatever reason, and the thought of him showing up at his apartment or joining me on the plane. I can’t risk that. This is the most important Copyright 2016 - 2024