More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,33

that your mother is gone, I’m afraid he has no one to answer to. He’s going to go down in flames and he’s not worried about who he hurts on his way down.”

“He’s such an arrogant prick. I know you still meet with my mom weekly, and I’m sure she’s told you about the restraining order. I just hope she can keep it together with all this stress. He’s a relentless asshole, and he’s not going to make their divorce easy.”

“Your mom is prepared for a battle. She has the best attorneys money can buy.”

“Yeah. It is what it is, you know.”

“That’s true, Cruz. There are things in life that are out of our control. So, you just focus on yourself, and what you can contribute.”

“I have a question for you actually,” I said, rubbing my hand over the back of my neck.


“Jade got an interview at NYU medical school. It’s her dream school. I’m fairly certain she only applied to six schools because of money, and I want to help her. I offered her the use of our plane for the interview and invited her to stay at our apartment, but she turned me down. What am I missing? She doesn’t have the money, we have a shit ton of money, and I want to help her. Do I push it, or back off?”

She chuckled, which annoyed me because I didn’t find it funny. I truly didn’t understand Jade sometimes. She was being stubborn.

“You offered, and she turned you down. What don’t you understand,” she said with one raised brow.

“But, why? She doesn’t have the money, and Jack can’t afford to fly her to New York for a one-day interview. Why not take me up on it? I mean, at the very least, we’re friends, right?”

“I’m guessing Jade wants to do this on her own. She’s fighting for her independence right now, and you need to choose your battles. She’s asked for space, and you gave it. And she’s slowly been coming around. You offered her the plane and the apartment, and she turned you down. She may feel like there would be strings attached. You also have to keep in mind that your father doesn’t want you with Jade, and she’s aware of that. He’s even publicly tried to hurt her in the past. Offering her a place to stay alone, that he has access to, may not be in anyone’s best interest.”

“Shit. Good point. Hadn’t thought of that. Dad rarely goes to New York. And I wouldn’t show up if she didn’t want me there.”

“Interviewing for medical school is a high stress situation. She has a lot riding on it.”

I nodded. “Thanks, Doc. You know, you’re not as fucking bad as I first thought you were.”

She smiled. “You aren’t as bad as I first thought you were either. Keep working on you and everything else will fall into place. She’s asking you to be her friend, so focus on that.”

“I will. You’re right. I’ve been approaching this all wrong. I’m going to be the best fucking friend Jade’s ever had.”

We both laughed.

I made my way out to my waiting car.

“Are we heading over to your mother’s home, Mr. Winslow?” Dave, my driver, asked.

I thought it over for a minute, still processing Dr. Roberts’ words about working on myself.

“Let’s make a stop at the Museum of Fine Arts first.”

“You got it.”

I’d already beaten the shit out of someone this week in the cage—perhaps it was time to broaden my horizons. I’d been drawing on scraps of paper these last few weeks. I enjoyed creating kickass images. As a kid, I used to have the typical Crayola box and I’d spend hours making cool designs, but that was years ago. Then the rat race began with my father’s shit and I’ve felt like I’ve always had to be prepared—for what, who the fuck knows. But creativity had always been a part of me. The calmer side of me, and I’m going to get it back.

And who better to share the new me with than my best friend.

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