More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,30

move forward, right?

“I can do that.”

The rest of the night was spent learning about Richard’s family back east. I told him all about Dad and growing up in Bucktown. We’d spent the summer together, but we’d never gone very deep. Tonight had been fun. He grilled me on possible interview questions as he walked me home.

“Really, Jade? You’re going to say that your weakness is that you’re too organized?” He laughed and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, and I didn’t cringe.

“What? Ask anyone who knows me. It’s a problem.”

“It’s the same as saying my biggest weakness is my big ol’ brain. I’m just too intelligent.”

“It is not.” I smacked his chest and laughed.

“What’s your weakness, then?”

“I’d probably say that staying focused is my weakness. I get distracted. I like to go out and have fun, you know. So, staying the course. Keeping my head down.”

“Damn, yours is so much better than mine.”

“Dig deep. What else you got?”

“Well, I can be anti-social when I get too focused.”

“Jesus. They actually prefer that. Come on. You’ve got to have something. A secret porn problem. You like to sleep with a blow dryer in your bed. Duct tape your feet together, maybe.”

“What?” I came to a stop and laughed.

“You’re too good, Jade,” he said.

He leaned down and kissed me. It was brief. But it wasn’t terrible.

I pulled away, my heart racing. And not for the right reasons. Not because I was excited, but because it felt wrong. “Far from too good. Trust me.”

“I’ll have to take your word on that.” He wrapped an arm around me again and walked me the rest of the way.

When we got to my door, I paused. “Well, thank you so much for dinner. It was fun.”

He leaned down and kissed me. A little longer this time. I tried to get lost in it. His tongue slipped in and I tangled my fingers in his hair. But alarm bells went off in my head, and I pressed my hands against his chest.

“I can’t. I’m sorry. It just feels wrong,” I said, shaking my head.

He clutched his heart and laughed. “That’s the first time anyone’s ever said that after I kissed them.”

“I’m sorry. I just want to be honest with you.”

“Just give it a chance, Jade.”


He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and I stepped inside.

Maybe that’s all I needed to do.

Just give him a chance.

Chapter Eight


“We have something new for you tonight,” I purred into the microphone, and the crowd went crazy. They loved when I teased them with new shit.

I looked over at Zach and he nodded, and he played a few strings. Lennon wrote the music to “Spread Those Wings,” and I wrote the lyrics.

Confined and chained, perception whacked,

breaking free, the chrysalis cracks.

Spread those wings and find the light,

Beautiful jade and always bright.

No more numbness, joy and pain,

Clouding over all the shame.

Hurt the one I loved the most,

I’d follow her to every coast.

Like an angel guiding me,

To feel, to live—and just to be.

It’s all your goodness that I miss,

The softest lips I long to kiss.

No longer a slave to pills and booze,

Always you I’m going to choose.

No more numbness, joy and pain,

Clouding over all the shame.

Hurt the one I loved the most,

I’d follow her to every coast.

After I sing the last chorus, the crowd joins in too and the cheers were deafening and the lights blinding. Another successful show down. I walked backstage after and grabbed a bottle of water, and we all made our way into the back room. Tia was in the corner with Zach talking a mile a minute, Bailey was sitting on Lennon’s lap, Adam Copyright 2016 - 2024