More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,22

Her jade eyes were illuminated by the moonlight when she met my gaze.

“Of course. I’m happy you’re home.”

“Me too. So, you go back tomorrow? Is it challenging being on tour without drinking and, you know, everything else?”

“Not too bad. I mean, it’s tough doing something you don’t really want to do every day. You know I’m still leaving the band, right? Obviously, I love the guys, and it’s so much better without Dex now, but I’d like to start my life sooner rather than later, you know? So yeah, there’re moments that it would be nice to check out. Not deal with the bullshit. That’s just the fucking truth. But I won’t do it. I know you probably don’t believe me yet, but I’m not going back.”

I pulled in front of her house, and she sucked in a strained breath. “It’s not that I don’t want to believe you. I just think you need time to heal. We both do.” Tears spilled from her beautiful gaze, and my chest tightened.

“I get it, Jade. It’s okay to want time. I hurt you really bad, and I’m going to have to prove myself to you. And I’m willing to do that. So, for now, we’re friends. I’ll take what I can get,” I said, using my thumb to swipe at the liquid running down her cheek.

“Best friends,” she whispered.

“Honestly, you’re the only person I even like, so that’s a no brainer.”

Her head fell back in laughter. “You’re so full of it.”

“So, what’s happening with this Dick guy?”

“His name is Richard. He was my small group leader. We’re friends right now, but he thinks we should date.” She met my gaze head-on.

“And what do you think?” I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

“I think I should date and be a normal twenty-year-old, you know? Try to move on a little bit for now. We both should.”

Jade had been forcing this whole dating issue since the day she left. Like she’d decided in her head that the only way to get over me was to meet someone else. It made my stomach wrench. The thought of Dick or anyone touching her. Being with her. I replayed my conversation with Dr. Roberts in my head.

What if she doesn’t come back?

Then she doesn’t come back.

Fuck you, Dr. Evil.

“So, I know you kissed him when you were there. Did it progress to more?”

Why was I doing this? Did I even want to know? I guess in a sick, twisted way I needed to know what I was up against. Because Jade and I were going to be together. I just needed to figure out the best way to get there.

“No. We kissed just the one time, which I told you about. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen again.” She studied my face as she spoke.

She wanted a reaction out of me. It would be an easy out. I’d get pissed off, she’d say this is why we can’t hang out right now, and the night would end. And I didn’t want it to end.

Nope. I wasn’t taking that path.

“Dick clearly can’t kiss for shit, or it wouldn’t have only happened once.” I shrugged.

She slapped my shoulder. “Shut up. That’s not it. He knows that I’m still getting over you.”

“Do you think there’s a reason it’s taking you so long?” I smirked.

Her face hardened. “Yes, Cruz. Because I love you too much, and it’s been hell getting over you. You tore my heart out. That’s why it’s taking me so long.”

She stormed out of the car and hurried to the trunk to get her bags.

I popped the trunk and reached for her forearm, wrapping my fingers around her delicate wrist. I turned her to face me. “I’m sorry. I fucked up. And I’m working hard to make up for it. I know it’s going to take time. So, if you think you need to date other people, including that douchebag, Dick—then do it. I’ll be here working on me and waiting for you.” Copyright 2016 - 2024