More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,18

hadn’t healed the way I’d hoped I would. But stepping away from my life for the summer allowed me to see things more clearly. I wanted to focus on school and remove outside stress from my life. I had no room for blazing fires, and miscarriages, and summers on tour with a rock band, and paparazzi, and crazy bandmates attacking me, and boyfriends I couldn’t trust.

A boyfriend I couldn’t trust.

That was the big deal breaker.

“You’re going to miss me more than you think,” Richard said.

That’s what he kept telling me. And you know what? I hoped he was right. It would be easy to date Richard. No drama. He didn’t party an excessive amount, he was good looking, very smart, and fun. I didn’t know why I couldn’t get there with him, but it wasn’t for lack of effort. I’d agreed to go to dinner because I wanted to give him a chance.

“I feel like the host of the bachelor. Do you want me to give her a rose?” Jessica said, busting out in a fit of giggles.

I laughed. “I’m sure I’ll miss you, Richard.”

“I don’t give up easily, Jade.”

Clearly. I studied his handsome features. His dark hair curled on the ends, his jawline was chiseled to perfection, his angular nose made him look distinguished and his dark brown eyes topped off his look. Women stared at him everywhere we went. I wished I could see him that way. Of course, I found him attractive, but was I attracted to him? I didn’t think so. We’d kissed once. And it had been enough. I told him not to try it again until I gave him a green light. Hadn’t happened yet. But I’d made sure to mention the kiss to Cruz. I wanted him to know I was moving on.

But had I really?

Thankfully the flight attendant’s voice came over the speaker to let us know it was time to prepare for landing.

Thank god.

I was over this flight and this conversation. I was excited to see Dad. And I couldn’t wait to take a hot bath. I hadn’t had a bath in three months. Only cold showers.

We went through customs and I fought Richard for my bag. “Thanks, but I’ve got it.”

Two girls, Stacy and Remy, who were part of our brigade but had been in a different small group from ours, sauntered over.

“Hey, Richard. Happy to be home?”

Oh, hey. Don’t mind me standing here beside him.

“Yes and no. Not sure I’m ready for everything to change,” he said, glancing over at me.

I let out a long breath as his heated gaze made me uncomfortable. “Okay, well I’ll see you guys later.”

I waved at all three of them and started my trek to go find Dad. I sent him a text to let him know I was heading out of the terminal. Richard jogged up beside me.

“Hold up, Jade. Was that jealousy I detect?” he asked.

“Jealous of what? What are you talking about?” I laughed.

“Stacy and Remy, obviously.” He winked at me.

“I’m just happy to be home and I’m anxious to see my dad. I like Stacy and Remy. I have no idea why they ignored me back there.”

“They think we’re together, and they’re obviously not happy about it.”

I came to a stop. “What? Why in the world would they think we’re together?”

“Remy likes me. I told her I was into you. She obviously assumed the feelings were mutual.” He laughed. He was so cocky and arrogant sometimes. And other times he was down to earth and humble. I didn’t have a good beat on this guy. Even after three months of spending so much time together.

“Okay. Who’s picking you up?” I asked.

“My parents are here,” he said.

As we made our way to the waiting crowd, I searched for Dad. He hadn’t responded to my text yet. Out of my peripheral, I saw movement and turned.

“Hey,” a familiar voice said.

All the air left my lungs in a whoosh. Copyright 2016 - 2024