More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,11

leaned close to me, so only I could hear him.

“Oh, yeah. We broke up before I left.”

“How long were you guys together? I remember hearing he was some famous dude, but I don’t really follow the tabloids. My roommate pointed you out once on campus and said you dated the lead singer of a band.”

I nodded. A lump formed again in my throat. It was still painful to talk about.

Painful to think about.

“We dated for a year and a half. He’s the lead singer of Exiled.”

“That’s a long time. I can’t picture you being a groupie,” he said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes. “I wasn’t. I was with him before they went on tour. It’s a long story.”

“But you’re single now?” His heated gaze locked with mine. He was cute. And charming. And super smart. But I wasn’t ready for anything. A part of me wished I was. I knew it would be the easiest way to move on.

“I guess you could say that,” I said, my voice just above a whisper. “But you could also say that my heart still belongs to someone else.”

“I get that. I had a tough break up with my long-time girlfriend last year. We’d been together for years, and it was tough for a long time.” He leaned back and picked at a few blades of grass.

“Why’d you guys break up?”

“She cheated on me. With one of my best friends,” he said with a shrug.

“Oh, wow. That had to be tough. I can’t imagine.”

“Yeah. It sucked. But you get over it. Time has a way of healing. Did you get hurt in your break-up?” he asked.

“Yep. I think we both did.” I turned my head and looked out at the sugarcane fields. I wished he’d change the subject.

“I hear you. Well, you know the easiest way to get over a broken heart?”

I faced him again and studied his features. Dark brows and full lips. Richard wasn’t hurting for female attention. I wasn’t sure why he was wasting his time on me. I hadn’t put out any signals that I was interested.

“No. But I have a feeling you’re going to tell me.” I laughed.

“Meeting someone new. Someone charming and smart, maybe? Good looking, even,” he said, and his lips turned up in the corners and he wriggled his brows.

I chuckled and squirmed a bit. I needed to be really clear. “You are all of those things, Richard, trust me. But I’m not looking to meet anyone. At all. So, you’d be wasting your time here.”

“You know what else they say?” He took another swig of the little tequila bottle before handing it to me.

“What’s that?”

“All good things are worth the wait,” he said, leaning over to kiss my cheek. It was sweet. He was sweet. I just wasn’t looking for sweet. Because I wasn’t looking for anything. All I hoped to find in Honduras was myself. That’s about all I was up for these days.

“Damn, that was a journey,” Richard said, handing me the canteen full of water.

It was blisteringly hot outside today. We drove almost two hours to get here. We’d hiked out to a water pipeline for a new hygiene station we were building, and the guide led us through four miles of rough terrain to get there.

I guzzled some water and splashed a little on my face. “Yeah, that was a trek.”

“I can’t believe we need to hike all the way back.” Jessica came up behind me and laughed.

“Right? Drink. We need to stay hydrated.”

“Yes, Dr. Moore,” Jessica said before chugging the water.

Our guide made this journey daily, as he worked on the water system out here. I had a whole new respect for him now after doing it myself. He showed us where the water source was coming from for the rural village we would be spending the next two weeks in.

We started our walk back, and I maneuvered the rocky, jagged path beneath my feet. Jessica Copyright 2016 - 2024