More Than Protect You (More Than Words #6.5) - Shayla Black Page 0,58

molest her?” I’m horrified by the possibility.

“No, but it was almost equally despicable. Now that I have a child of my own, I can’t imagine using him as a pawn in some scheme simply to make myself richer.”

“I don’t know if Mandy would want to tell Harlow what her father did.”

“I think it could bring them both closer together and help heal them someday.”

Maybe he’s right. I don’t know.

“I’ll get you the list of Reed’s known assistants, along with my private investigator’s notes about how many have children old enough to cause Mandy problems.”

If any of them have the Reed eyes, their paternity would be a dead giveaway. “That would be great.”

“I’ll get it to you in the morning.”


“My pleasure. Let me know when you’re free to start with my security staff. If you could work with them for a couple of months, would fifty thousand be fair?”

Beyond fair, and he must know it. “That’s more than generous. I don’t need that much money to do the job.”

“Would you do it right?”

“Absolutely. I’ll shoot for perfection, but at the very least they’ll be well above competent.”

“Then that’s the offer, take it or leave it.” He shrugs and sips his beer.

“Why are you helping me?”

“Two reasons. You seem like a good guy, and the fact you just tried to take less money for a job proves it. But even more important, my wife wants her friend back. Since you’ve come onto the scene, she says Amanda seems more like herself than she has been since she was a kid. I have to think that’s your doing.”

I fucking hope so. “Thanks. I won’t let you down.”

“I know. What’s next for you and Amanda?”

“Catching whoever the hell is after her. Then…hopefully convincing her we have a future.”

“Good luck. By the way, I think Harlow is offering her a job now.”

As if those were the magic words, the back door opens, and the women enter, each carrying a squirming baby boy. I don’t know Harlow’s expressions well, but I can tell Mandy has been crying. Since she’s smiling too, I’m hoping they’re happy tears.

“Baby?” I stand.

She approaches me, smile widening. “I’m going to start working for Harlow next week. I have a lot of skills that she could use, and it’s for a great cause.”

“That’s fantastic.” I curl my arm around her waist. “Congratulations.”

“It’s such a relief. I didn’t think I’d find another job with my employment history.”

“And best of all, her new boss will never expect her to put out,” Harlow quips.

Even Mandy laughs. “Thank goodness.”

With that, we leave and head to the villa. Everything Noah told me lingers in the back of my brain. I wish I could get started on hunting down this scumbag tonight, but without his information and without any other leads, I’m stuck. But the hours between now and dawn won’t be wasted. I’ll have Mandy. And even though I’ve had her so much today I should be well sated, I’m not. I don’t feel thirty-eight. I feel easily twenty years younger and I want more.

“Good conversation with Harlow?” I ask.

“Actually? Yeah. I started pulling away from her during our teen years. I felt so guilty about sleeping with her dad, but not enough to stop, which only made me feel worse. But she actually understood.”

“You told her everything?”

“The highlights. But she knows how old I was when it started.” A teasing grin dances at Mandy’s mouth. “Harlow says if she had known she would have gleefully castrated the bastard herself.”

Too bad no one did. “At least you cleared the air.”

“Absolutely. We got some good truths between us, and then we talked for a few minutes. It felt like old times, but better. She’s really happy, and I’m thrilled for her.”

“Is that what happiness looks like to you?”

“What do you mean?”

“Big house, high-powered job…”

“No. She’s happy because she’s got a great husband, a precious son, and family all around.” She shrugs. “I don’t care about the house and the job nearly as much as I care about the people in my life. I’m hoping that will be you.”

I take her hand. “After today, I don’t know how you’ll ever get rid of me.”

Peace settles between us, along with an anticipation that hums just under the surface. We’re both in a good place…mostly. We’re looking forward to the future. And we can’t wait to get Oliver down so we can hit the sheets again. But until then, I should give more thought to Mandy’s assailant.

While I’m at it, I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024