More Than Protect You (More Than Words #6.5) - Shayla Black Page 0,33

was going to say honest, caring, and reasonable.”

Mandy sighs. “Thank you. But I think some of those traits were actually my downfall. I believed what he told me. I took it all at face value. I didn’t question him as much as I should have because I wanted the illusion to be true so badly.”

“I’m sorry he wasn’t everything you thought he’d be.”

“Not even close, but I learned a lot.”

“Like what?”

She cocks her head. “Mostly? To trust my gut. I didn’t listen to it at all with Barclay and I should have.”

In some ways, I think I did the same with Ellie. At the very least, I didn’t question the longevity of our connection. I definitely didn’t second-guess where we were heading when we started growing apart. With Amanda, every instinct I have is telling me that we’d be good for each other, that I should hold her tightly and never let go.

“Did you love him?”

“For a long time, I thought I did. But I didn’t know what love was.”

Because when he first seduced her, she was too young to comprehend? “How did you two get together?”

The second the question is out of my mouth, her face closes up. “I’m not ready to talk about it. Sorry. Let’s get the groceries, pick Oliver up, and make some dinner.”

Subject closed. Because she’s embarrassed; I sense that’s at least part of it. The rest? Back to trust. The fact I don’t have hers chafes, but we’ve literally known each other twelve hours. Hell, maybe I’m the crazy one for thinking thoughts of tomorrow, commitments, and our future. But acknowledging that isn’t changing a damn thing.

“All right.” I withdraw my hand and settle it back on the steering wheel.

“Tanner?” She moves her palm over to my thigh, surprising me.


“I want to tell you, but I’m afraid you’ll judge me.”

It’s a step forward. It’s more honest than she had been even a few hours ago. “I won’t.”

“You don’t know that,” she argues. “I’m sure a lot of people would tell me I’m getting what I deserve. I knew what I was doing was wrong and I did it anyway.”

“I’m not most people. I’m on your side. But I want you to feel comfortable. If you’re not…you’re not.”

She’s quiet such a long time, I’m sure the conversation is over. Finally, she sighs. “I’m still thinking. You know, about…us. But if we decide to try, um…moving forward, I’ll tell you everything.”

I wish she was giving me a different answer, but I can’t make demands. “All right.”

Short minutes later, we swing by the grocery store. After they settle the bags in the Mustang’s backseat, we head to Griff and Britta’s. The boys are all spread out on the living room floor. Jamie and Oliver are both rolling trucks around the carpet and making engine noises. Grayson looks on nearby as he props himself on his elbows and does his best to keep his wobbly head lifted. One thing I notice right away? He’s got the Reed green eyes and his mother’s blond hair.

Britta watches over the trio of tots with a smile. She’s cleaned up since we saw them earlier, and she’s now wearing a simple sundress with minimal makeup, along with a pair of springy, low-heeled sandals. “Hi. How was the shooting range?”

“Good.” I turn to look at Amanda.

She nods enthusiastically. “I did better than I thought I would. For a first timer, I’ll take that.”

Griff lopes down the stairs a moment later, freshly showered and wearing a collared shirt with a pair of khaki shorts. “Hey.”

“Hi, we’ll take Mandy’s little guy off your hands so you can get back to your evening.”

“You’re good. We’re all meeting at Noah and Harlow’s place for dinner in an hour or so, nothing fancy.”

I pluck Oliver off the floor, and I’m not surprised when he spots his mother and lunges for her. Amanda takes him from my grip and holds him tight. “Missed you, little man.”

“Ma ma.”

“Was he good?” she asks.

“He didn’t cry once. We fed him some juice and animal crackers, and he was fine,” Britta assures, then plucks the baby from the floor and addresses her husband. “I’m going to feed Gray before we go.”

“Sounds good.”

“It was nice to see you.” Britta smiles, then disappears upstairs.

“You, too. We’ll get out of your hair,” I say.

Mandy scoops up her son’s diaper bag. “Thanks for everything, Griff.”

“No problem. All the Reed siblings want a close relationship with Oliver, so I was glad to spend time with him. Anytime we’re Copyright 2016 - 2024