Moon-Kissed (Within the Darkness #1) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,70

move because on any given day, I’d have taken his head without breaking a sweat. This guard was scrawny; his unworked muscle tone exposed his lack of training and age.

I did the only thing I could do. I smirked, turning my head to brush my lips against his, which sent him tensing as the light within me jolted the darkness within him. Fuck around and play stupid games, and you get a stupid prize. His eyes slanted to angry slits the moment he realized I’d done the action on purpose.

“I am ready,” I repeated, knowing they were all wary of me now.

Housing as much light as I currently did had perks. I was holding enough to level the entire palace to rubble. I followed them to the door beside mine, knowing it was Amo’s room. The guard knocked on the door, and Amo stepped out, her green eyes sliding through the guards, widening with unease. Her shocked expression swung to me, and I watched her throat bobbing with worry before she stepped up beside me, holding my soft gaze.

It was the same thing at every door in which we stopped to retrieve another moon-touched girl. Eventually, after the asshole guards made a show out of trying to scare each one, we started toward the sound of laughter and music.

We entered a large ballroom with stairs that led down onto the dance floor and into an actual room. At the stairs, the guards indicated for us to wait. My heart rocketed into overdrive as I took in the dark eyes of those below us.

Every single person turned, staring up with eyes the color of freshly polished onyx. I felt the girls tensing behind me. I looked over my shoulder to Amo, who was staring out over the assembly with an expression of sheer horror.

Darkness consumed light, and we were the only light present. The crowd gawked openly, hungrily, up at us while we waited. The guard stepped out from in front of me, and my gaze slid down the long red carpet and straight to the throne where a male sat with his leg kicked over the arm, lazily watching us. Torrin stood beside him, his eyes narrowing on me while I again turned, looking to Amo, who was behind me with the others, ensuring they were okay.

“You remember the time we crashed the clan leader’s party? Let’s do that one again,” I stated, watching their eyes sparkle as a smile crept over my lips.

“It’s perfect,” Amo chuckled.

“I’m down,” Tabitha agreed, and the others laughed nervously, fully aware of what I intended them to do.

Well, they’d be executing the plan while I kept the head of the guard busy in other ways. The moon was about to take me over, and then I’d be out of commission for at least twenty-four hours. I watched Amo peering up where the ceiling was opening for the moon to shine down into the room.

“The moon is going to call me,” I admitted, shoving past the unease that came with what would happen tonight.

“Those who aren’t called can stay and play,” Amo agreed, barely above a whisper.

“Quiet, or you’ll regret it,” the youngest guard snarled.

I smirked at him, tilting my head before facing forward. The moonlight bathed the path in iridescent light, forcing the others back from the carpet that led to the king. My heart was thundering painfully in my chest while I scanned the crowd. My hackles were up, and everything within me said to turn and run or fight.

Torrin’s eyes slid down my body, and I exhaled the unease. I wouldn’t show fear in the face of impossible odds. I wouldn’t allow the girls to see me tremble before the mass of people who craved our fear. I’d show them all that, even in the face of death, we weren’t weak.

“Move,” the guard stated, and I frowned, slowly descending the stairs with sure-footed steps until I was inches from the light.

The moment I stepped into the moonlight, the crowd gasped as my skin changed, appearing as if there were thousands of tiny stars shining light within me. My hair turned a glowing white, with rainbow-colored tips starting at my ears and sliding down my back to brush against my ass. My arms pulsed, exposing the thin, shimmering lines of light that burned from inside me.

I didn’t stop or slow until I reached the king’s throne, where I bowed low at my waist, letting my hair shield my face. My team followed my Copyright 2016 - 2024