To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,98

one. Well, Steph and Gareth have been together for seven years but they’ve just decided to get married.’ He paused. ‘In September.’

‘This September? Wow.’

‘That’s Steph all over. No patience. Once she decides to do something, that’s it. Basically they heard that a wedding had been canceled at the village church and grabbed the chance while it was there.’

‘Like,’ said Ellie. ‘Why not?’

‘And they’re having the reception at Mum and Dad’s. A hundred guests.’


‘It’ll be fine. Mum’s in her element. They had Claire’s wedding at home too; it was a triumph.’

Ellie finished her mug of soup. ‘So where do I come in? You want me to help in some way? Oh, is it the invitations, d’you need me to—?’

‘Not that kind of help. Actually, it’s more personal.’ Zack sat on the end of the bed. ‘The thing is, Steph’s asked her friend Mya to be one of her bridesmaids. I used to go out with Mya, years ago. Now, she’s nothing like Louisa,’ he added hastily. ‘Mya’s more like a Labrador, all bouncy and enthusiastic. According to Steph, she’s already getting overexcited about me being there. If I go on my own I’m just going to be fending her off the whole time. It’ll be awkward. She’s a nice girl and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.’ He hesitated. ‘So what would really help would be if I was to take someone else along with me. Then she’d understand and leave me alone. No more hassle.’ This wasn’t some story he’d made up; it was all true. But he was the one ruthlessly taking advantage of the situation and using it for his own purposes. With a bit of luck. ‘So, up to you. I know it’s a big ask, but you’d be really helping me out. And it’ll be a good do.’ Another pause. ‘If you think Todd wouldn’t mind.’

Zack McLaren, you have a nerve.

Ellie’s eyes were bright and a flash of color had returned to her cheeks. For a couple of seconds she thought it through. Finally she swallowed and said, ‘I’ll explain it to him. I’m sure he won’t mind.’

‘OK, good. Thanks.’ His heart was actually thumping against his ribs. Ellie had just agreed to come down to Cornwall with him to attend his sister’s wedding.



Lovely though it had been to be looked after by Zack, Ellie was aware she had imposed for long enough. It was now Sunday, she’d been here for three days, and no longer qualified as an invalid. The aching, the shivers, the raging temperature had all subsided. Her appetite was back, she no longer looked like a bit of old road kill, and the utter exhaustion had receded too. She felt human again, albeit a bit on the fragile side.

‘Now are you sure you’ll be OK?’ Zack had insisted on driving her the few hundred yards home. ‘What time’s Todd getting back?’

‘Very soon.’ Ellie climbed out of the car; it was three o’clock in the afternoon. ‘Any minute now. Thanks for looking after me.’ She kept a firm hold of her overnight case as he moved to take it. ‘Don’t worry, I can manage. And just… well, thanks for everything. I’ll be back at work as soon as I’m up to it. Wednesday or Thursday.’ He’d done so much for her, she didn’t know how to express her gratitude. At least being riddled with flu germs meant a polite kiss on the cheek was out of the question.

And anyway, he was her boss. She was his employee. It would be wrong.

Instead Ellie said, ‘Bye,’ and did an awkward little wave before fitting her key into the lock and letting herself into the house.


‘Why didn’t you let me know you were ill? I’d have come straight back! I could have looked after you!’

Oh dear, Roo was offended.

‘You were visiting your mum,’ Ellie pointed out. ‘Anyway, you wouldn’t have been so happy if you’d caught my bugs.’

Roo visibly bristled at the slur. ‘I’d still have done it. I owe you, remember? How am I ever going to make things up to you if you won’t let me do stuff?’

‘You don’t owe me, I’ve told you a million times. You did me a favor.’ Ellie sighed; Roo was still sticking obstinately to her newfound vow of saintliness. No caffeine, no alcohol, no makeup, endless do-goodery, and a stubborn refusal to answer Todd’s calls and messages. It was getting a bit wearing, to be honest; she wished the old fun-loving irreverent Roo would make a Copyright 2016 - 2024