To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,88

all right, surely. There had to be a simple explanation.

Ellie yawned, brushed her teeth, and went to bed.

Chapter 35

He got back to Ellie while she was at work the next day.

‘Tony! Are you all right?’ She’d actually started to worry when his phone had still been switched off this morning.

‘I’m fine, sweetheart.’

‘Where are you?’

‘At home in LA.’

God, who’d ever trust an actor? He was such a plausible liar. ‘No you’re not,’ said Ellie. ‘I spoke to Tamara. You’re over here.’

‘Oh. Damn. OK, you’re right. I knew I should have returned Tamara’s calls first.’

‘Your phone’s been switched off !’

‘Battery was flat. I forgot to pack my charger, that’s all.’

‘Why didn’t you come to the flat?’ Where you have a perfectly good spare charger.

Tony paused then said, ‘I thought you and Todd would appreciate having it to yourselves. I was being discreet, giving you a bit of space.’

‘Are you serious?’

‘Really, it’s not a problem. I took a room at the Berkeley. You and Todd don’t want me hanging around and—’

‘Oh, Tony, that’s over, it didn’t work out. It just wasn’t right.’ Ellie lowered her voice; Zack was only in the kitchen and she didn’t want him to overhear. ‘We tried, but we’re happier as friends.’

‘Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry.’

‘Don’t be. We’re both fine about it. So you can check out of that hotel right now and get yourself over here. You won’t be a third wheel, it’ll just be us.’

‘Except I’m heading back tomorrow. It was just a flying visit. It’s hardly worth it now.’

He sounded… sad. ‘Are you busy tonight?’

‘No, no, nothing planned…’

Something definitely wasn’t right. ‘Come over, then. I haven’t seen you for ages. I’ll cook dinner,’ Ellie volunteered. ‘I’ve learned how to do Thai green curry.’

‘Really?’ It was his favorite.


‘Is it nice?’

Honesty forced her to prevaricate. ‘It might be nice.’

‘Or it might not?’

‘I’m still practicing. Come over and let me give it another go. If it all goes horribly wrong, we’ll order a takeaway.’

Sounding slightly more cheerful, Tony said, ‘Or shall I just order it now?’

Zack came into the office a couple of minutes later, dressed in a suit and jangling his keys.

‘All OK? I’ve got a lunch meeting in Piccadilly. Can you take Elmo out for a run at some stage? I’ll be back by four at the latest.’

‘No problem, that’s fine.’ He was wearing a new turquoise shirt and it was on the tip of her tongue to say how much the color suited him, but Ellie felt the speeding-up sensation in her chest that meant she was finding him attractive again. Dammit, and she’d worked so hard to squash those feelings, had thought she’d succeeded in getting them under control. OK, just don’t mention it, keep it zipped.

But she must have looked as if she were about to say something because Zack had stopped in the doorway and was looking expectant. ‘Anything else?’

Yes, that color’s fantastic against your tan, you look unbelievably gorgeous, you’re making me think things I shouldn’t be thinking…

‘No,’ Ellie flashed him her busy smile, ‘nothing else. Have a nice time!’

At two thirty she gave Geraldine a call. ‘Hi, it’s me. Do you want to send Elmo over?’

‘Oh hello, darling, absolutely! Sweetie, up you get, it’s for you.’

Ellie heard snuffling and said, ‘Elmo! Coming for a walk?’

‘There you go,’ Geraldine said with satisfaction. ‘He’s on his way.’

Moments later Ellie looked out of the kitchen window and saw Elmo launch himself over the wall. He burst through the dog flap, tail wagging furiously and paws skidding across the tiled floor.

‘Come here, baby.’ She bent to clip his lead on, but the doorbell simultaneously rang and Elmo gave her the slip. Finally she managed to scoop him up and answer the front door.

‘Oh.’ Louisa, on the top step, recoiled from the sight of Elmo at unexpectedly close quarters. ‘I’ve come to see Zack. Is he upstairs?’

‘He’s not here.’

‘You’re just saying that.’

‘I’m not.’ What was this about?

‘His car’s over there.’ Louisa pointed across the road.

‘He took a cab into town. He really isn’t here. Was he expecting you?’

‘No. I just need to talk to him.’ Louisa’s hair and makeup were perfect; she was wearing an apricot linen dress and ultra-high, ultra-pointy cream shoes.

‘Well, he’s in a lunch meeting now. Why don’t you try phoning him later?’

‘I’ve tried phoning him. It’s not the same, and most of the time he doesn’t even pick up.’ Louisa’s voice began to wobble. ‘Look, can I come in?’

Elmo was wriggling like an eel, keen to get on with the business in hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024