To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,83

matching shoes, held his face in her hands and said hesitantly, ‘This is wrong, it’s the wrongest thing I’ve ever done. Last time it wasn’t planned, but this is premeditated.’

Which sounded promising. Inwardly marveling that the sensation of her skin touching his skin could create a reaction of such intensity, Tony said, ‘It’s so good to see you again.’

Good was the understatement of the year. Seeing her made him feel properly alive. He squeezed her hands and saw the maelstrom of emotions in her amber eyes.

‘Oh, Tony.’ Martha’s voice was unsteady. ‘What have you done to me? I used to think I was a nice person. Honest and decent.’

‘You are. Hey, this isn’t such a big deal. All we’re doing is meeting for lunch.’

‘I know. Just lunch.’ She exhaled.

‘Two friends seeing each other again, catching up.’ This had been the agreement; obviously he was hoping for more. But if nothing else happened, that was OK. He wasn’t going to put any pressure on her. Seeing Martha again, gazing into her eyes, and hearing her voice was enough.


Oh, but we’re so much more than just two friends catching up.

‘I’ve already had to lie to Eunice. She wanted me to go along with her this afternoon to visit Henry. I told her I couldn’t, said I had to meet a client.’

‘Well, that isn’t a lie. It’s true. I am a client. I’m your biggest fan.’ He tried to lighten the atmosphere and dissipate her guilt. ‘Do you want me to buy another painting? I’ll buy another painting. I’ll buy as many as you like.’

And this time she did smile. ‘Oh, Tony. What are you doing to me?’

There were all sorts of answers to that, but he didn’t voice them. Instead he gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Come on, let’s go through to the restaurant. I’m buying you lunch.’

The next three hours flew by. They drank Prosecco—but not too much—ate wonderful food—Tony was barely aware of it—and talked nonstop. The connection was still there, stronger than ever. They had privacy, they could relax, he never wanted it to end. When the restaurant closed, they moved through to the Blue Bar and carried on, enclosed in their own private bubble of bliss. Upstairs he had a room with a bed in it, but they stayed where they were. It was OK. No pressure. He was over here for three days. Oh, would you look at those eyes. That perfect mouth. The way her dimples flashed every time she smiled. He loved every inch of her, every last glorious caramel curve. And to know that she’d been missing him as desperately as he had missed her… it gave him such hope. Somehow, somewhere, surely they could be together in a way that was miraculously guilt-free…

‘Are you listening to a word I’m saying?’ Martha leaned forward and tapped his arm.

‘Sorry. You’re making it hard to concentrate.’ He captured her fingers between his own, wondering if he’d be able to kiss her before she left. Would she let him? ‘What is it?’

‘I was telling you about my trip to Blockbuster the other week. Henry likes to watch the old Dad’s Army TV shows but he managed to sit on his DVDs so I’d gone along to get him some more. I was just standing by the counter when I heard you saying, “What are you doing here?” Well, I jumped a mile. I couldn’t believe it, I thought you were right behind me. I nearly had a heart attack on the spot!’ She fanned her face at the memory. ‘So then of course I turned around and there you were, up on the TV screen in that film you did last year. I felt like such an idiot… oh, hang on, that’s mine.’ Reaching for her bag, she pulled out the ringing phone and grimaced. ‘Oh Lord, it’s Eunice.’

‘Leave it.’ Tony already knew she wouldn’t.

‘I can’t. Won’t be a second.’ She jumped up and made her way out of the Blue Bar, away from the noise. Tony watched her go. From a distance he saw her answer the phone, then freeze. Oh great, what was it? Please don’t let Eunice be putting pressure on her, playing the guilt card. Martha’s hand had flown to her mouth now. Something was wrong. Of all the afternoons, why did it have to happen on this one?

‘Henry’s lost.’ She was back, searching agitatedly for her purse. ‘He’s gone missing on Hampstead Heath. They can’t find him… anything could happen to him… Copyright 2016 - 2024