To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,41

air freshener. Realizing he was in a no-win situation, Tony put her out of her misery and pointed. ‘I’ll have that one.’

‘Excellent.’ Martha managed a smile and exhaled with relief. ‘Good choice.’

And that was it. Within four minutes of ringing the front doorbell, he found himself being propelled back out onto the pavement. With a painting under his arm and his plans for the rest of the day well and truly scuppered. On his way out he said in desperation, ‘Could I have your number, in case I wanted to buy another one?’

Eunice replied crisply, ‘She doesn’t hand out her telephone number to strangers. Do you, Martha?’

Martha swallowed. ‘If you want to contact me about my work, my email address is on my website.’

‘Fine, I’ll do that then.’ Pointedly Tony said, ‘I’m going to be out of the country for the next couple of weeks, but I’ll be back at the beginning of July.’

‘OK. Well, it’s been nice to meet you, Mr Weston.’ Clearly desperate to close the door, Martha said, ‘Enjoy your painting. Goodbye.’

‘Or I could give you my number?’ It was a last-ditch attempt; he so badly needed to speak to her before he left.

‘That won’t be necessary,’ Eunice coolly intervened. ‘Why would she want to phone you?’

Because we spent yesterday afternoon in bed together, you bloody interfering old witch. And I’m in love with her.

But of course Tony didn’t say this out loud.

Chapter 17

‘Can you get that?’ Ellie was busy scrubbing her favorite Havaianas flip-flops in the sink when the doorbell went on Saturday morning.

Todd pressed the button on the intercom and waited.

‘Hi, it’s me.’ Roo’s voice echoed tinnily through the speaker. ‘I’m heading out on an undercover mission. Want to come along?’

‘What an offer.’ Todd launched into his Sean Connery impression. ‘Shall we go in my vintage Aston Martin?’

A split second of silence, then, ‘James Bond, is that you?’

‘Shweetheart, I’m afraid that’s classified information. I could tell you, but then I’d have to seduce you.’

‘Let her in.’ Ellie switched off the tap and rinsed the soap off her pink flip-flops. This was going to be interesting; how would her old friend and her new friend hit it off?

Roo bounded up the stairs and into the flat in a black and white checked shirt, white denim skirt, and black Uggs.

‘I can guess who you are.’ She waggled her fingers at Todd. ‘But do you really have an Aston Martin?’


‘See? Now I’m disappointed. And you don’t look like Sean Connery either.’

‘I’m younger than he is. I’m funnier,’ said Todd. ‘Plus, I have hair.’

‘What’s this mission in aid of?’ Ellie finished patting the flip-flops dry with paper towels and put them on her feet.

‘OK, Niall came over last night. And while he was in the loo I happened to find a shopping list in his jacket pocket. Nothing exciting, just nappies and baby wipes and stuff. But it was written in girly handwriting on a Post-it note with the name of a beauty salon printed along the top.’ Roo narrowed her eyes in a sleuth-like fashion. ‘Now, Niall’s always refused to tell me where his wife works. So I rang the salon this morning and asked if Yasmin was in today… and she is! And guess what? I’ve booked an appointment with her for this afternoon! We can go together!’

Ellie pulled a face. How could anyone think this was a good idea?

‘Who’s Niall?’ said Todd.

Roo looked at him. ‘My boyfriend.’

‘He has a wife?’

‘Yes, but she’s awful.’

‘And there’s a baby?’

‘That’s the only reason he’s still with his wife.’

‘What are you doing having an affair with a married man?’

‘I love him. And he loves me.’

‘Where’s your self-respect?’

Roo stiffened. ‘What’s your problem?’

‘Look, shall we talk about something else?’ Ellie was keen to cool the situation down.

‘No, let’s not.’ Todd turned to Roo. ‘When I was a kid, my father had an affair with another woman. He walked out on me and my mum. I just happen to think wrecking other people’s marriages is a pretty low thing to do.’

Roo said defensively, ‘Trust me, Niall’s marriage was wrecked long before I came along.’

‘So why have you made an appointment at this place?’ said Ellie.

‘Because I want to see her. I just want to find out for myself what she’s like. I’m not going to do anything,’ Roo protested. ‘She won’t know who I am. Oh, please come with me,’ she begged. ‘It’ll be easier to have a conversation with the two of us. And then you’ll be able to tell thingy here that Copyright 2016 - 2024