To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,39

and leading him towards them, she said confidingly, ‘I tell you what, see if you can guess which one’s my favorite.’

From that moment on, Tony was lost. It was almost impossible to concentrate on whatever it was she was saying. All he could think of was how close she was to him, how wonderful she smelled, how unbelievable it was that she could make him feel this way. Yesterday he hadn’t known her. Now he did. She had a voice like honey and a smile capable of lighting up any room.


OK, he needed to pay attention. ‘Well what?’

She surveyed him with amusement. ‘Have you been listening to me at all?’

‘That one. That’s your favorite.’ He pointed to a painting of a picnic on the beach.

‘I just asked you what color your walls were. Where you’re going to hang them.’

‘Oh, sorry. I’m distracted.’ Should he say it? Could he? Bracing himself, Tony said, ‘By you.’

‘Me? Why?’

‘Because you’re such a lovely surprise.’ Did that sound completely ridiculous? Well, it was true. Aloud he said, ‘You don’t know how happy I am to have met you.’

Martha looked away, then back at him. Finally she exhaled. ‘Me too. You’re a very nice man.’

‘It’s not just me, feeling it?’

She shook her head and swallowed. ‘Not just you.’

‘I want you to know that I don’t make a habit of doing this.’ Reaching for her hand, he stroked the brown ringless fingers. ‘But I want to do it now.’

The next moment she was in his arms and he was kissing her, and it was like being twenty again. Martha’s soft body pressed against his, her silver bracelets clinking as she ran a hand through his hair. She was trembling with emotion. He wanted to carry on holding her and kissing her for ever. God, she was so beautiful…

‘Tony?’ Breathlessly she pulled away to study his face. ‘Are you single?’

He nodded. ‘Divorced many years ago. I’ve been on my own for a long time.’

‘Me too.’ He felt her sadness. The next moment it was dispelled. ‘And I want you to know that I’ve never done this before either.’

Another kiss, then she led him out of the studio and across the narrow landing. Her bedroom was smaller, ultra-feminine in shades of cream and gold.

Tony turned her to face him. Wonderingly, he stroked her face. ‘You’re sure this is all right?’

There was a world of emotion in her golden eyes. Her voice unsteady, she whispered, ‘I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.’

Chapter 16

An hour had passed. Possibly the most incredible hour of his life. When he said, ‘OK, there’s something I have to tell you,’ Tony saw a flash of fear.


‘I probably should have said this before. But it’s all right, it’s workable.’

Martha had gone very still. ‘Tell me.’

‘I don’t live here in London. My home’s in Los Angeles.’

She sank back against the pillows. ‘Oh. That’s a long way away.’

‘But we can sort something out. I want to keep on seeing you. I hope you want to keep seeing me. I can come over every few weeks. I don’t know, maybe you could come out and stay. There’s plenty to paint, believe me.’

‘You work over there?’ She searched his face. ‘What do you do?’

‘I’m an actor.’

Her eyebrows went up. ‘Really? Any good?’

‘Pretty good, yes.’


‘Yes. Yes, I am.’

Martha thought for a moment then said slowly, ‘Are you famous?’

He nodded.

She broke into a huge smile. ‘Well, that explains it, then! While we were on our way back here, I saw a couple of people looking at you. But more than just a normal look, you know? More interested. I thought it was because you were so attractive. But it wasn’t, was it? They recognized you. Oh my God, what’s your name?’

‘Tony Weston.’

‘I’ve heard that name!’ Martha clapped a hand over her mouth. ‘You are famous! You were in that film about the two brothers… ooh, what was it called… Mr and Mr Black!’

‘That’s right.’

‘I heard all about it on the radio! They said you were very good.’

Tony smiled. ‘They were right.’

‘I always mean to go to the cinema, then I never get round to it. You must think I’m completely hopeless. I should have known who you were!’

‘Don’t be daft.’

‘Oh God!’ This time she clutched the side of her head. ‘I just had sex with a film star!’

‘Fantastic sex,’ Tony corrected.

‘Fantastic sex. Absolutely. God, sorry, I’ve come over all unnecessary now. This is just bizarre.’

‘Can I tell you something?’ He traced the tips of his fingers along her collarbone. ‘It’s the Copyright 2016 - 2024