To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,144

God.’ Zack tightened his hold on her and smiled ruefully. ‘We’re not going.’

‘Good,’ said Ellie.

Over in the marquee, meanwhile, the realization that they had both vanished from the party was giving rise to laughter and bawdy cheers.

‘No? No sign of either of ’em? Honestly, this is a shocking state of affairs,’ said the DJ. ‘Sloping off for an early night, what’s wrong with these people? Disgraceful, that’s what I call it. Right then, if they’re not here to appreciate my efforts, I’m not playing Eminem. We’ll have more Status Quo instead!’


Eleven months later

Ellie leaned out of the second-floor window and watched the goings-on below. There was Todd, playing soccer with an apple, dribbling it past Zack’s nephews as he zigzagged across the manicured lawn and through the croquet hoops. There were Tizz and Ken, chatting with Paul and Geraldine whilst they admired the flowers in the borders. And over there was Steph, kneeling to retie the bows on Lily’s shoes. No flashing trainers this time. Lily had found and chosen them herself. These were bright green with sequined butterflies on them; she was currently going through an intensely sparkly stage that had Joss curling her lip in bewildered disbelief.

To think that it had been almost a year since Steph and Gareth’s wedding. And now she was having her own. How life had changed in the past eleven months.

Her mobile phone rang and Ellie glanced at it before answering. ‘You’re five minutes away? Great. Yes, everything’s fine. See you soon.’

Turning away from the window, she quickly double-checked her hair was still OK. Not long to go now. It had been Zack’s idea to hold the wedding here, at Colworth Manor Hotel where they had spent such an idyllic weekend last November. That had been shortly after he’d sought suggestions for a romantic proposal from Roo, and she had excitedly exclaimed that he must drop the diamond engagement ring into a glass of champagne. She’d seen it done in a film, Roo had told Zack, and it had been so romantic she’d cried buckets.

Ellie’s eyes danced at the memory. Zack had nearly cried too, when she’d taken a big swig and almost swallowed the ring.

But the sentiment had been there. It was the thought that counted, and the three dazzling diamonds had glittered proudly on her finger ever since. She knew without a doubt that Zack was the right man for her; in fact, more than that, he was perfect. They were as besotted with each other now as they had been on that first night. These days they laughed, loved, and argued with each other and every day together was a joy. The desolate pain she’d experienced following Jamie’s death had lessened and shrunk more than she’d ever imagined possible.

Nor did she see so much of Jamie now, either. The need was no longer there. Occasionally Ellie conjured him up for a couple of seconds, just to touch base and say hi, but these days he didn’t occupy her mind to the same degree. Their long conversations were now a thing of the past. It was enough to know that Jamie approved of Zack and the next step she was about to take.

Ellie turned and gazed at herself in the elaborate full-length mirror. Oh my word, would you look at that, she was like an actual proper bride! Her hair was up, but in a tousled rather than a superglued way. Her dress was ivory silk, bias cut, and full length. Zack’s sister Paula had done her makeup and they’d heroically resisted the urging from Lily to add pink glitter. All in all, if she did say so herself, she was looking pretty good.

‘Just as well,’ said Jamie, appearing in the mirror behind her and flashing his habitual easy grin. ‘Otherwise Zack might run a mile, and that would just be embarrassing.’

Ellie smiled. It seemed only fair to have him drop by, today of all days.

‘So?’ She held up her hands, did a pose. ‘Will I do?’

Jamie surveyed her for a couple of seconds. ‘You look fantastic. I’m so proud of you.’

‘Thanks.’ She wasn’t going to cry, not today. ‘I do still love you.’ She needed to say it, to make sure he understood. ‘Just because I’m getting married again doesn’t mean I’ll ever forget you.’

‘I know. But you’ve got Zack now.’ Jamie looked thoughtful. ‘The only thing I’m not too happy about is his legs. They’re not as skinny as mine.’

‘I know. But his knees are knobbly. So that makes Copyright 2016 - 2024