To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,136

hair and said, ‘You too,’ smiling back in a Yes-I’m-his-girlfriend-aren’t-I-lucky kind of way.

‘Come on!’ Lily was scrambling impatiently to her feet, sending up a spray of sand. ‘Let’s play volleyball! Mya, you can play too.’

To her credit, Mya was a good sport and she did join in. Bracelets and necklaces clanking like a jailer’s keys, hair rock-steady thanks to the impenetrable coating of Elnett super-strength, she threw herself into the game with enthusiasm and on several occasions accidentally-on-purpose threw herself into Zack’s path. Ellie couldn’t help liking her, though; when Zack had described Mya as a Labrador puppy he’d been spot on.

The game was great fun, noisy and boisterous. Afterwards Zack draped his arm around Ellie’s shoulders and planted an affectionate boyfriend kiss on her forehead. ‘Well done. If your team hadn’t cheated, we’d have beaten you.’

He’d only done it for show, but it still felt fantastic; imagine what it would be like if he were doing it for real. Ellie gave him a girlfriend jab in the ribs. ‘I’ve got news for you. You still wouldn’t have stood a chance.’

As they made their way back to the house, Mya caught up with Ellie while Zack was taking control of the dogs.

‘Hi. Look, sorry if I was over the top back there. Steph’s just told me I was being a bit obvious with Zack. The thing is, I don’t mean to be, I just can’t help myself. My body language gives me away. When you’ve had a crush on someone as long as I have, it’s hard to keep it under control.’

‘It’s fine. No problem.’ Ellie was charmed by her frankness.

‘But you don’t have to worry, I wouldn’t do anything. Not while he’s with you.’ Mya shook her head vigorously. ‘I’m not that kind of person.’ She sighed. ‘Oh, but he’s gorgeous. You’re so lucky.’

‘I know.’ Ellie shifted the stripy beach bag over her shoulder. ‘He’s great.’

‘And you look so happy together.’

‘We are.’ Well, I am. Especially when he puts his arm round my shoulder and kisses me on the forehead like an actual proper boyfriend.

‘But were you like me? I mean, when you first realized how much you liked him, did your body language give you away? Were you all googly eyes and touchy-feely without being able to control yourself?’ Mya made touchy-feely gestures in the air and her bracelets jangled like sleigh bells. ‘Was that how you were with Zack or were you able to keep it all under control?’

‘I think I probably… kept it more hidden.’ Zack and Steph were coming up behind them now, which was distracting to say the least. Ellie said, ‘I was scared of giving myself away, because of working for him. I mean, if it didn’t work out, I risked losing my job. Which would have been awful.’

‘Oh God, I knew it. You didn’t let on and it got him interested. Instead of pretty much jumping up and down, going, “Me, me!” I’m a complete failure.’ Mya was looking forlorn. ‘I’m just shooting myself in the foot.’

‘Maybe, but body language is just being honest. It’s nature’s way of letting other people know how you feel. I think your way could be best.’ Only in theory, obviously.

‘Do you? Ah, that’s nice of you to say.’ Without even realizing she was doing it, Mya gave Ellie’s arm a grateful squeeze. ‘But I’m really going to try and rein myself in. Give it a shot, see how it goes.’ Beneath the layers and layers of mascara, her amber eyes were bright with determination. ‘After all, your way worked for you.’

Elmo caught up with them. Zack, materializing at Ellie’s side, said easily, ‘What are you two chatting about?’

‘How Ellie stayed cool at work and didn’t let on how much she fancied you.’ Mya reached across and gave him a nudge. ‘I bet you kept your feelings under wraps too, didn’t you?’

‘Yes.’ Zack smiled slightly. ‘I did.’

‘Ha, I knew it! Neither of you saying anything, no giveaway body language, just all these incredible emotions smoldering away under the surface. Imagine the excitement, the adrenaline buzz, the electricity.’ Mya heaved a sigh of envy. ‘So romantic.’

For a moment nobody spoke. Ellie couldn’t look at Zack. At last she said faintly, ‘Yes, yes, it was.’

‘Ellie!’ The next second her hand was seized. ‘Quick, we’re having a race home and we need to beat Zack and Lily.’ Joss was already trying to jump up behind her. ‘Come on, catch my legs, you have to give me a piggyback!’

Chapter 55

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