To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,134

wellies and got crabs grabbing hold of my toes, not so much.’

‘I could do it,’ said Zaylie. ‘I wouldn’t get caught. Everyone thinks I’m nice!’

‘I used to like these children.’ Zack scooped Zaylie on to his lap and began tickling her bare feet.

Within seconds she was reduced to helpless giggles. ‘Is Ellie your girlfriend?’

‘Yes, she is, she’s my new girlfriend.’

Ellie’s breath caught in her throat. If only.

‘Has she seen you with no clothes on?’

Oh crikey, just the thought of it. Thank goodness the lighting was dim. ‘No, I have not.’ Above the laughter, Ellie said with horror, ‘Yuk, no way.’

‘I know where there’s a picture of Uncle Zack and he’s sitting in a paddling pool naked.’ Zaylie’s face was triumphant. ‘It’s in a book of photographs in Grandma’s room, she was showing us the other day. Do you want me to get it and show you?’

‘Mum, I thought I told you to throw that one away.’ Zack looked pained.

‘Oh, darling, how could I? You were so adorable.’

Ellie kept a straight face. ‘Was it taken very recently?’

‘Very funny. I was two. And you don’t want to see it,’ said Zack.

Sometimes an opportunity came along that was simply too good to pass up. And she was supposed to be his girlfriend, wasn’t she? ‘Actually,’ Ellie’s gaze was innocent, ‘I think you’ll find I do.’

Chapter 54

‘Goodnight, Ellie, sleep well. It’s so lovely having you here.’ Tizz gave her a fond hug and a kiss on the cheek. Claire and Paula had left with their respective families earlier. Steph and Gareth, who were staying until the wedding, had put the twins to bed hours ago. Now it was gone midnight and everyone was heading upstairs.

‘Thanks for everything. Night.’ Through the open window, they could hear Zack and Gareth outside, giving the dogs a last run around the garden before turning in for the night. If this had been a film, Zack’s mum would at this point have said merrily, ‘Now, no spare rooms left so I’ve put you in together! That won’t be a problem, will it?’ As a result of which, all manner of embarrassing and comical situations would inevitably have ensued.

But this was a big house, a six-bedroomed one, and Tizz had already said earlier, ‘Now then, I did ask Zack if you’d be sharing but he said separate rooms. So yours is along here.’ Bending her head closer to Ellie’s, her tone conspiratorial, she’d added, ‘Good move, by the way. Well done, you!’

Meaning she thought Ellie was playing hard to get, treating her new boyfriend mean in order to keep him keen. Which was a guilt trip, but what could you do?

At least this way she’d get a decent night’s sleep.

Zack was coming up the staircase five minutes later as she emerged from the bathroom.

‘Enjoying yourself?’

‘I am.’ Just standing there in front of him in her cotton pajamas felt intimate; this was something that hadn’t happened since she’d been a flu-infested invalid.

‘You’re doing a great job.’ He was keeping his voice low. ‘Apart from the bit with the naked photo.’

He smelled of faded-down aftershave, cognac, and the seaside. Ellie committed the delicious smell to memory. ‘The kids thought it was hysterical.’

Having finished settling the dogs into their baskets in the kitchen, Gareth was now on his way upstairs. Ellie’s heart began to gallop as Zack moved closer, for all the world as if they were a proper couple on the verge of exchanging a goodnight kiss. Not a peck, something meaningful. For a moment she thought it was actually going to happen. Then, as if noticing Gareth’s presence, he pulled back and called out, ‘Night.’

‘Night, you two.’ Gareth ambled past, raised a hand, and dis-appeared into the room at the far end of the landing. Leaving them alone once more.

OK, this was crazy, she was standing here waiting, like someone expecting to be kissed. Dragging herself out of her dopey trance, Ellie took a deliberate step back and said, ‘Right, see you tomorrow.’

Zack gazed at her for a long moment before moving away. ‘Yes, tomorrow. Sleep well.’

Ellie closed the bedroom door behind her, sank back against it, and prayed nothing like that would happen again. Talk about torture. If Zack knew how desperately she’d wanted him to kiss her, she’d never be able to show her face again. Oh God, but what would it have been like if it had actually happened?

OK, fantasizing again. Stop this now, get a grip. Go to bed.


When he was in London, hard at work and Copyright 2016 - 2024