To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,131

Had he realized there was only one woman for him, and Lisa wasn’t it?

‘She disappeared,’ Todd went on seriously. ‘Back inside Ellie’s head.’

It took a couple of moments for this to sink in.

‘You mean it wasn’t true?’ Roo searched his face.

‘None of it was true. Ellie made her up. She invented the whole thing. Personally,’ said Todd, ‘I’m never going to believe a word she says again.’

‘Nor me.’ The irony was that if it hadn’t involved Todd and another woman, she would have loved the story of how they’d met.

‘But she was right about you not being happy. She saw it on the TV. Well, we both did.’

Roo stroked her fingers wonderingly through his hair. ‘And she made me realize I’d done enough. At last. So she’s quite clever really.’

‘I love you.’

‘Me too.’ She leaned into him. Their noses were practically touching. How many kisses did they have ahead of them? It was a giddying thought. And not only kisses, either…

‘I’m so proud of you.’ Todd’s expression softened. ‘You’re amazing.’

‘I made some horrible mistakes.’ She could feel the heat emanating from his body.

‘Everyone makes mistakes. But you stopped and did something about it. Most people don’t bother.’

At that moment a white BMW turned into Nevis Street, catching them in its headlights. As it passed Roo and Todd, windows were buzzed down and they found themselves subjected to a good-natured chorus of whistles, helpful comments, and bawdy cheers.

‘And to think this used to be a decent neighborhood,’ Roo tut-tutted. ‘It’s going right downhill.’

‘On the other hand, they do have a point,’ said Todd.

Together they turned and made their way across the street to her house. Roo linked her fingers through his and gave them a squeeze. She could hardly wait.

Aloud she said, ‘They certainly do.’

Chapter 53

It was the last week in September and Ellie had that squiggly going-on-holiday feeling in her stomach. The Indian summer had timed itself to perfection, there wasn’t a cloud in the luminous blue sky, and she and Zack were on their way to Perranporth. It was happening at last and the hardest part was containing her excitement. If Zack had any idea how much she’d been looking forward to this… well, it would scare the living daylights out of him. He’d probably lean across in a panic, fling open the passenger door of the Mercedes, and push her out.

But he didn’t know and he wasn’t going to find out. Ellie gave a little wriggle in her seat and sat back, enjoying the feel of the sun on her face and watching the scenery whoosh by as they sped down the M4. Elmo was asleep in the back of the car. Geraldine, out of hospital now and recuperating nicely, had gone to stay with her sister in Exeter. Roo and Todd were so besotted they could barely tear their hands off each other; they were like a couple of magnets who couldn’t physically stand to be apart. Best of all, Todd’s mum and Roo had met and instantly hit it off. Maria was as crazy about her son’s new girlfriend as Todd was, and plans were already in place for a mega party to introduce Roo to everyone she knew.

They’d left Berkshire behind them. Behind her, Elmo was snuffling in his sleep, paws twitching as he chased London pigeons in his dreams. He was such a city dog. Ellie took a packet of gumdrops out of her bag and offered them to Zack. ‘Want one?’

‘Thanks. Can you find me a green one?’

‘Green? What, seriously?’ She winced. ‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes. Why?’

‘Nobody likes green! They’re the ones you only eat when everything else is gone. You have to be desperate.’

‘Green’s my favorite,’ said Zack.

‘Well, that makes you officially weird. But also kind of useful to have around.’ Ellie found one and passed it over. ‘You can have all the yellows too, if you want.’

He glanced across at her. ‘Which are Joe’s favorites?’

‘No idea. I’ve never offered him a gumdrop.’

‘I haven’t asked for a while how things are going with you two.’

‘Fine.’ Ellie helped herself to a red one. They were the best by a mile.

‘Did you see him last night?’

She nodded, glad of her sunglasses and the sweet in her mouth. ‘Mmm.’

‘OK. That’s clever.’ Zack waited. ‘Because on Twitter this morning he posted a photo of himself taken last night at a party at the Beverly Hills Hotel.’

Ellie stopped chewing. Bugger. Zack added helpfully, ‘Which is in Beverly Hills.’

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. She finished Copyright 2016 - 2024