To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,113

open behind her. Yasmin scrambled to her feet. Oh God, oh God, this was a nightmare, Roo’s heart was galloping out of control, her head was spinning, she felt sick…

Then everything went dark and for a surreal split second Roo thought she’d passed out. Except, hang on, that couldn’t be right, her brain was still going. The next moment she felt the soft folds of the towel being patted into place over her face and head, for all the world as if she’d just had a nice relaxing steam facial.

Which she hadn’t.

Which kind of implied…

Except how could it?

‘Niall, this is silly.’ Still winding the ends of the towel behind Roo’s head, ensuring that none of her hair was visible, Yasmin said, ‘I’ve told you before, you can’t just turn up here. I’m busy.’

The galloping in Roo’s chest was so thunderous it felt as if horses were about to burst out. She was lying back in a reclining chair with her jeans rolled to her knees, her feet slathered in gritty gunk, and her whole head wrapped in a dark blue towel. Less than six feet away from Niall. She could smell his aftershave. Sense his desperation. Hear the tremor in his voice.

‘…but you won’t let me into your mother’s house and you refuse to come home, so what else can I do? Yaz, I’m sorry.’ He was gabbling now. ‘I’ve told you a thousand times. I made a mistake and I’m going to spend the rest of my life regretting it. But you’re the one I love. You and Ben. We’re a family and we should be together… here, at least take these, they’re your favorite.’

From beneath the swathes of soft towel Roo heard the crackle of tissue paper and florist’s cellophane.

‘Just leave them on the desk, Niall.’ Yasmin sounded as uninterested as if he were the FedEx man dropping off a delivery. ‘I’m not going to let you do this in front of my client. It’s unprofessional. Plus, you’re making an idiot of yourself.’

‘Yaz, don’t you understand? I don’t care! I want you to forgive me.’ Niall’s voice cracked with emotion. ‘I want to win you back, and I don’t think anyone would begrudge me a couple of minutes to try.’ A hand came to rest on her shoulder and Roo, aghast, pressed herself back into the reclining chair so hard the plastic covering squeaked. ‘Would you?’

Rational thought was still a struggle but she was stingingly aware that this was Yasmin’s situation. This was her workplace, she was the one in control. And she was the one who had covered Roo’s face with a towel.

Did this mean… oh God… that she knew?

Either way it wasn’t her place to sit up and reveal her identity by whisking the towel off her face, Scooby-Doo style.

Which was probably a good thing anyway.

Instead, Roo shook her head and heard herself adopt a kind of strangled Cockney growl. ‘Nah, s’alright.’ Heavens, she sounded like Dame Edna with bronchitis.

‘Look, we’re a family.’ The hand left her shoulder; Niall was addressing Yasmin again. ‘I miss you so much. I miss Ben. I’ll do anything you want.’ He was pleading now. ‘I’m never going to see Vivica again and I swear that’s the truth. Baby, it was one mistake, that’s all. Just give me another chance, please.’

‘OK, three things.’ Yasmin remained calm. ‘I don’t like it when you call me baby. I never have.’

Ouch. Niall sounded as if he was shaking his head. ‘Sorry, sorry.’

‘Plus, I don’t want to give you another chance.’


‘And the third thing is,’ Yasmin continued as if he hadn’t interrupted, ‘you’re still lying to me now. One mistake, you said. But that’s just not true, is it? Vivica isn’t the only woman you’ve had an affair with.’

Ohmygod. The buzzing in Roo’s ears was like a jumbo jet. This was why Yasmin had covered her face with a towel, so that she could be the one to perform the triumphant unveiling. A part of Roo had to admire her. It would be a magnificent moment, the coup de grace to signal the death of their marriage. All they needed now was a drum roll…

‘I swear there hasn’t been anyone else.’ Niall was adamant.

Roo bit her lip.

‘Yes there has, Niall. You know there has.’

‘Baby—um, Yaz, honest to God, I’m telling the truth!’

OK, here it comes, here it comes. Roo’s nails dug into her palms. Here comes the big reveal…

‘Are you? OK, fine, have it your way. But our marriage is still over,’ said Yasmin. ‘And Copyright 2016 - 2024