Moon Academy - Catherine Banks Page 0,50

eyes and said, “I was trying to leave and then everyone started fighting at once and I didn’t want to get trampled.”

He ran down the hallway and straight to my room.


“I told him,” Chelle said softly.

“A few others are coming,” Sean told me and set me down inside my room, facing the doorway. “Get your bag and let’s go. I’ll keep you safe until your other Guardians show up.”

My other Guardians?

There wasn’t time for that. I needed to do what he said, and we needed to get the hell away from this place.

“She hurt at all?” a familiar voice asked.

I turned and found Arnold and Taylor, the Fae twins in the doorway.

“No,” Sean answered. “You guys ready to go?”

They both nodded and said simultaneously, “Yes.”

“I’m ready,” I said as I strapped my backpack to my back, buckling the front buckle to make it harder to fall off.

Chelle climbed in the back so her back half was in the pack with her front half over my left shoulder. “Ready,” she said.

Sean nodded, and to my surprise, he opened the window. “We’re going to jump down and run through the forest. The people attacking are other magic users, so they won’t be as fast and we can escape without them scenting us this way.”

Everything was going wrong. None of this was going to plan.

“Okay,” I agreed.

“Don’t worry, your guys know where we are going, and I can maintain a link with them from miles away,” Chelle assured me.

“Okay,” I whispered.

Sean picked me up sideways, so he wouldn’t crush my backpack or Chelle, then jumped through the window headfirst. He did a flip halfway down and landed lightly on the balls of his feet.

He smirked at my shocked face. “I’m too big to fit through otherwise.”

“Smart,” I whispered, still in shock.

The twins jumped down after us and they all started running.

Why were the witches attacking? Why did they want me?

“Why were they lying to us?” Sean asked.

“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I thought I was the last witch, but clearly that was a lie. Why though? It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t care if I’m the last witch or not. Was it some type of ploy to get you guys here? Should we be more worried about the Guardians back there?”

“No, the witches only cared about you,” Taylor said. “When they realized you were gone from the room, they tried their hardest to get through us to go after you. We came when we saw Sean carrying you to safety.”

“What could they possibly want from me?” I asked.

Chelle yipped. “I know. I was silent because I was listening into their thoughts as we were running.”

I looked at her expectantly.

“You may not want to know,” she whispered.

“Chelle, tell me,” I begged.

“The witches’ numbers are dwindling, that is true. They want to use you like a broodmare to help repopulate,” she whispered. “And once you had enough babies, or were too old, they would drain your magic and add it to this stone called the Life Stone that they’re using to help maintain the barrier that keeps them secret and safe from the vampires. The vampires just want to drain your blood because your magic makes them stronger and the more vampires that can feed from you, the stronger their clan gets. Basically, they all just want to use you and kill you once you’re no longer of use.”

Chapter Fourteen

“That is seriously messed up,” Sean whispered.

“We are not going to let that happen,” Arnold said softly. “We’ll keep you safe from them.”

Taylor nodded.

“What about the Triune?” Sean asked.

“I’m not sure. They keep their thoughts locked up tight,” Chelle admitted.

Was that really all I was good for?

“If they had wanted me for that, why did Thornton say they abandoned my parents?” I asked her.

“Your mom was supposed to breed with a male witch, one of the last, and she chose your dad instead, a human,” Chelle said softly.

“Damn, you were able to learn a lot from them,” Sean commented.

“Once I know what I’m looking for, human minds are easy to sift through,” she said. “Plus, they were all too preoccupied with the fighting to notice my intrusion.”

I didn’t want this. I didn’t want any of this.

I just wanted to go back to pretending to be human. To my small town to hang out with Cherry and the other cheerleaders.

“Let’s take a break,” Sean said as we came to a swiftly moving creek. He leaped over the creek and then set me down.

Arnold and Taylor Copyright 2016 - 2024