Moon Academy - Catherine Banks Page 0,47

eyes widened. “Listen to you…you sound so grown up.”

Chuckling, I pushed his shoulder. “Whatever.”

We walked back to the academy, and I wasn’t surprised to find all of the guys waiting for us.

“Honestly, I think these four might be your best options, but I’ll let you know in a week or so,” Dad whispered. “And don’t you dare tell them I approve of them.”

I mimed zipping my lips closed. “Your secret is safe with me.”

Dad went into the building without saying anything to the guys.

“What did you two talk about?” Nick asked.

“My parents,” I admitted. “So, who’s ready for some dessert?”

“Dessert? Where are we going to get dessert from?” Tom asked.

“The dining room of course,” I said with an eye roll.

“They offer dessert? How did I not already know this?” Gary asked and turned to go inside.

“You okay?” Nick asked.

I smiled as I looked up at him. “Yeah, I think I am.”

The Triune changed up my class schedule, putting me in a history class with all of the guys.

I took the opportunity to spend time with some of the other guys and, surprisingly, none of my four complained or threw a fit about my plan.

Each class I sat with a different group of guys, getting to know them each and talking with them more and more.

They were all decent guys, and I was glad I had the chance to at least talk to them.

After class one day, three guys pulled me outside and into the woods.

“Look,” the tallest of the trio said. “We mean no disrespect, but…”

“We don’t want to be chosen,” the shortest of the trio said.

“You’re a cool chick and all, but we just want to continue our lives,” the third said.

I smiled. “No worries, guys. I’m not taking anyone against their will. You don’t want to be chosen? No problem by me.”

They all exhaled audibly.

“But we can’t go home yet,” the tallest said. “Our parents have to think that we’re still in the running.”

“You can stay as long as you want,” I promised.

All three hugged me and said, “Thank you,” simultaneously.

They hurried inside, and I trailed after them.

Everyone treated me like I was important, but I didn’t feel important.

I felt like a stupid teenage girl attending school, dealing with boys and crushes, and not having any idea what the future had in store for me.

One of the things that had been on my mind for a while now was whether the Triune was truly impartial. Shouldn’t they have been able to protect themselves against the Fae attack? And the vampires?

Were they working with them?

If they were, I had no hopes of surviving here.

“What’s got you so deep in thought?” Caleb asked me.

I yelped and put a barrier up around Chelle and me out of habit.

He smirked. “Sorry.”

I exhaled and dropped the barrier. “I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t go out without one of you by my side.”

His smirk disappeared and dropped into a scowl. “What are you thinking about, Sarah?”

“I don’t really want to voice it aloud,” I admitted and looked towards the building.

“I see,” he whispered.

I reached out towards him instinctively but then dropped my hand.

He surprised me by pulling me into a hug. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again. I will protect you.”

“I want to go home,” I whispered to him, but quickly added, “with you and the other three. I don’t want to be here anymore.”

He chuckled. “I understand the feeling completely.”

“I’ve got a really bad feeling,” I whispered to him. “If what I’m feeling is true…you and the others are probably going to get hurt. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“We heal fast so that we can get hurt protecting you,” he whispered back and tightened his grip on me.

“What’s going on?” Tom asked.

“Felt her fear?” Caleb guessed.

“Yeah,” Tom admitted.

“What’s going on?” Nick asked as he and Gary ran over.

I groaned and dropped my head against Caleb’s chest. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing.”

“Premonition,” Caleb said. “She’s got a bad feeling and said we’re going to get hurt.”

“Shit,” Nick grumbled.

“Should we tell the Triune?” Gary asked.

“No!” I yelled and pushed away from Caleb.

All four stared at me with wide eyes.

My cheeks warmed, and I dropped my eyes. “Um, no. It’s okay. Let’s just go to my room.”

They followed me down the hallways silently.

A few guys said hi and I smiled and greeted them back, but did not stop.

Once we were in my room, Nick shut and locked the door behind him and said, “Spill.”

I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a quick Copyright 2016 - 2024