Moon Academy - Catherine Banks Page 0,36

to me, dropping to a squat to examine my neck. “What happened? Who choked you?” His words had started soft, but grew to a growl at the end.

“Don’t worry about it, pretty boy,” Caleb said from my doorway.

I looked away from Tom and set my hand on Chelle.

Tom stood and turned. “Who are you?”

“I’m Caleb. I overheard the maiden talking to Sarah, so I snuck out before she used the spell so I could protect Sarah. Turned out to be necessary since a group of vampires showed up,” he said.

“Vampires?” Nick asked from behind Caleb.

Caleb stepped to the side, and Nick rushed to me, stroking his fingertips along my bruised neck.

“I’m okay,” I whispered, but my voice caught.

“Did he hurt you?” Nick asked.

Caleb arched a brow.

“No, he saved me,” I admitted begrudgingly.

“You need a shower,” Nick whispered.

I nodded.

Nick stood and grabbed some clothes from my drawers and a towel. He walked into my bathroom and started the shower.

Tom and Caleb watched the scene unfold with narrowed eyes.

Nick came back to me and picked me up from the bed, carrying me to the bathroom.

I could have walked, but the events were finally catching up to me and I felt overwhelmed with emotions.

“Nick,” Tom growled.

Nick ignored him, set me on the toilet, and brushed my hair back from my face. “Are you okay alone?”

Chelle rushed in. “She’s not alone.”

Nick gaped at the fox. “What is that?”

“A fox. My familiar,” I said. “Her name is Chelle.”

“I’m going to sit outside the door. Yell if you need me,” he said, eyeing Chelle as he left.

I nodded and waited until he shut the door to strip and climb into the warm shower. The water slid down my body, and I watched dirt and debris go down the drain.

I had almost died. If Caleb hadn’t been there…

Was this a setup? Did the Triune want me to choose Caleb?

“Can you wash me, too?” Chelle asked and hopped into the shower, distracting me from my thoughts.

I washed my hair and then scrubbed Chelle. Her coat was thick and really dirty, so it took me twice as long to clean her as it had to clean myself.

Once we were both clean, I climbed out, dressed, and took care of my teeth and hair.

“The shock will wear off,” Chelle said.

I knew it would. I needed to put my best front on to reassure the guys that I was okay.

Worried Guardians made for a frustrating day.

I opened the door and found Tom, Gary, Nick, and Caleb in a stare-off.

Instead of interrupting them, I pushed through and headed to the dining hall, not bothering to check to see if they were following me or not. I knew they were.

“Hey,” Mo said as he jogged to catch up to me.

I smiled up at him. “Hi.”

His smile disappeared. “You’re hurt.”

Chelle slipped between us, making Mo move away from me.

“Familiar?” he asked.

I nodded.

“She’s pretty,” he said.

Chelle strutted a bit.

I threw my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing out loud.

Mo pushed open the door and waited until Chelle and I had walked in to follow. “Remember, I’m always here if you need someone to talk to,” he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and continued to my table.

I thought he would follow, but he sat at a table with a group of three guys.

Sitting at the table that had quickly become my usual, I wondered what to make of him.

“You don’t like him?” I asked Chelle.

“He gives me a weird vibe,” she said as she curled up on the bench beside me. “Just keep your distance.”

“He seems nice,” I whispered.

“Who does?” Gary asked as he sat beside me. He glanced at Chelle and then looked back at me.

“No one. So, how were classes yesterday?” I asked him to change the subject.

Caleb walked in and sat at the table near the door that he had been at yesterday. He caught me watching and winked at me.

I turned away with a growl.

“Classes were fine,” Gary said. “I’d like you to tell me what the hell happened last night.”

“Just another day of my screwed up life,” I whispered.

Gary leaned closer to me and whispered, “You sure I can’t punch that guy?”

One corner of my lips turned up. “Not yet, but I’m sure he will give you a reason soon enough.”

Nick sat and eyed Chelle. “She’s pretty. A lot bigger than most foxes I’ve seen. I don’t think she’s just a fox.”

“She’s a witch’s familiar. Of course she isn’t just a fox,” Gary scoffed.

“Where’s Tom?” I asked, looking around. Copyright 2016 - 2024