Moon Academy - Catherine Banks Page 0,33

door is that way.” I jerked my thumb in the opposite direction and walked by him.

I stomped up the stairs, slammed my door closed, and fell on my bed.

Didn’t they understand that I didn’t want this any more than they did? They didn’t have to be jerks to me. I couldn’t control this.

If I could, I would leave Moon Academy and never look back.

I dozed off and woke to someone knocking on my door.

Stumbling, I opened it while rubbing my eyes.

Nick scowled down at me. “You okay?”

I nodded and yawned. “Took a nap.”

“It’s time for dinner. You missed lunch,” he said and stepped back so I could exit my room.

Now I understood his scowl.

I followed him down the stairs. “How were your classes?”

He growled. “I don’t like the guys here. Most are cocky and irritating.”

I nodded as my mind recalled the jerk from the hallway earlier. “I agree.”

Nick rubbed his shoulder against mine, and I could sense his need for reassurance through touch.

I held out my hand, palm up, at my side.

He looked at it, his eyes widened, and then he intertwined our fingers.

Instantly, his shoulders relaxed and he exhaled audibly.

He pushed open the door to the dining hall, and I steeled myself for the guys to approach me.

Surprisingly, I made it to the table Tom and Gary were at before anyone approached. I sat between Nick and Gary, across from Tom.

The first guy to approach was freaking hot. Chiseled jaw with a bit of stubble and dreamy blue eyes, plus a perfect smile drew me in. he held out his hand. “I’m Mo.”

I shook his hand and returned his smile. “Hi, Mo. I’m Sarah.”

“Can I join you?” he asked.

“No,” Nick and Gary said at the same time I said, “Sure.”

He sat across from me, next to Tom. “How was your first day?” he asked.

I sighed. “Not good. How was yours?”

Nick was staring at me like I had grown a second head.

Mo frowned. “Not good? Want to talk about it?”

I shook my head. “Not really.”

“Well, I’m always available if you need someone to listen,” Mo said with a soft smile.

Tom pushed a glass of water in front of me. “You’re dehydrated.”

I took it and drank a big gulp. “Thanks.”

“I’m Tom,” he said to Mo and held out his hand.

Mo shook hands with him with a smile. “Nice to meet you.”

“You’re a shifter?” I asked Mo as I looked at him.

He nodded. “Tiger.”

I gaped. “What? There’re more than wolves?”

Mo laughed. “Sorry, I just wanted to see your reaction; I’m a werewolf, like those two,” he said looking at Gary and Nick.

I sighed. “I really wouldn’t be surprised if there were others.”

Mo leaned forward and whispered, “You should meet some of the Fae. They are taught not to approach a witch unless summoned or the witch needs protection.”

“There are so many here,” I said and looked around the room. “I doubt I’ll remember any names.”

Mo smiled. “It’s okay. We don’t expect you to. It’s hardly fair of us to demand you know all of us in a day when there are so many.”

Food came and I stopped talking to eat. How was I going to sneak out without Nick knowing? Or without at least one guy seeing me and trying to talk to me?

“Sarah,” the maiden said.

I looked up. She stood by the door.

Quickly, I stood and went to her. “Yes?”

“Here,” she said and held out a folded piece of paper. “Just put a bit of your blood on the center and say, ‘activate’. Okay?”

I nodded and put it in my pocket.

“I’ll ensure your three don’t follow,” she said with a wink. “Leave at ten.” She turned and left without waiting for my response.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the jerk from earlier with his head cocked in my direction. When I turned, he acted like he hadn’t been eavesdropping.

I returned to my table and chatted more with Mo. Gary, Tom, and Nick stared at me expectantly, but I said nothing and dodged their questions until bedtime.

At ten o’clock sharp, I slipped out of my room and hurried out a back door to the woods behind.

Moon Academy was a werewolf paradise. Lots of game, ranging from rabbits to deer, lived in the forest around the academy, making it an ideal hunting ground.

I walked deep into the woods, found a small clearing, and set the paper on the ground, unfolded. It was a circle with several rectangles and triangles.

A twig snapped to my left. I spun towards it, holding my Copyright 2016 - 2024