Moody And The Beast (Shadowvale #4) - Kristen Painter Page 0,92

made no further argument, other than some low, angry grunts. Another man with a bow strapped to his back joined them and began tying Vesta’s hands behind her.

Marken spoke to them while watching Vesta. “This is my son. I have more men outside securing the castle. Some of the Overwatch were already with us.”

Theo couldn’t help but ask, “And the guard at the servants’ gate?”

The corners of Marken’s mouth twitched. “Gone for a swim.”

Robin put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “We owe you a debt.”

“This kingdom owes you.” Marken switched swords then, exchanging his own for Heartseeker. That blade he held out to Robin. “The throne is yours again, Your Highness.”

Theo almost gasped. She never imagined this outcome. Robin, on the throne again. She would lose him if that happened, she was sure of it. But that was selfish of her. Limbo needed a strong, kind ruler.

Despite knowing that, she felt her heart ache with the loss that seemed inevitable. That was her life, though. The good things never seemed to last.

Robin shook his head. “My life is no longer here. I am sorry. I appreciate your loyalty more than I can say. And Vesta’s rule absolutely needed to come to an end, as does the magic she’s bound me with. But I am not the king this kingdom needs.” He smiled at Marken. “I believe I am looking at that man.”

Marken’s brow bent with sudden disbelief. “But I never intended—”

“Perhaps not.” Pryn stepped forward. “But you will be an amazing ruler, my friend. And Limna will be the kind of queen this realm has long needed. Say yes.”

“Lady Pryn, what you’re asking of me…”

“I know what I ask. What a sacrifice it is,” she said. “But I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you are more than capable.”

His brow relaxed as the idea obviously became more palatable. “Will you stay?”

Her smile was slight but held a happiness that shone through. “I will go wherever my son goes.”

“Of course.” Marken took a breath, then straightened a little. A world of emotions seemed to pass through his eyes. “If my kingdom needs me, then I shall serve.” He looked at Robin. “You say the traitor has bound you with magic?”

“She knows what she’s done.” Robin looked at his ex-wife. “Remove it, Vesta. And perhaps the new king will grant you some leniency.”

Theo held her breath. Would Vesta do it?

The ousted queen glowered at him, but grudgingly mumbled a long string of fae words. “There. Your boundaries are dissolved.”

Robin smiled at Marken. “I look forward to your coronation. Now let’s get this woman into a cell. I have another life to return to and responsibilities there that require my attention.” He looked at Theo. “Unless you think we should stay here?”

“We should go back.” She shook her head, hoping the tears in her eyes weren’t obvious. She loved this man for so many reasons. “But is there any reason we can’t return at some point? Just to visit? With Shadowvale as our home?”

“No reason at all. If Marken will allow it.”

Marken snorted like that wasn’t even something that needed to be discussed. “I would be happy to entertain you anytime you wish.”

“Then it’s settled.” Robin took her hand. “What my queen wants, my queen gets.”

Chapter Thirty-one

Nearly a half hour later, most of Robin’s magical beard and moustache had fallen out or been scratched off. He imagined he looked about as awful as a person could look while feeling about as good as a person could feel.

In that half hour, he and Theo had assisted Marken’s crew of highlanders in locking down the castle, securing Vesta in a cell, and seeing to the wounded Overwatch. Vesta’s arrow scratch had been treated with a simple bandage.

As word spread throughout Limbo of what had occurred, the citizens arrived to cheer on the regime change and pledge their allegiance to the new sovereign. For all general purposes, Marken had become king the moment he’d taken Heartseeker out of Vesta’s hand.

The coronation would come in the days ahead, but no one doubted who the kingdom’s new ruler was. Robin had a good feeling about the man, and not just because Pryn liked and trusted him. Limbo had never been governed by a highlander before, and Robin thought the change in ruling style would be welcome after Vesta’s dictatorship.

At last, goodbyes were said, and Robin, his mother, and Theo returned to the fountain. He knew Welten and Amelia must be desperate with worry. The concern on Theo’s Copyright 2016 - 2024