Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,91

know about the baby. I could’ve said something, but I worried he’d push me away even more. He barely let me get a word in before he shoved me toward the guards.

Why the fuck was he doing this?

Did he think I was a shrinking violet after growing up in the MC?

I shoved clothes into a bag I had no intention of bringing. I made coffee. I stalled, ignoring the guards’ vicious side-eye as I flopped onto the couch and thumbed through TV reruns. Tony’s hired security planted themselves in front of the door and wouldn’t budge. Strangely, they didn’t seem to give a shit that I’d stopped “packing” an hour ago.

More frustrating were my unanswered texts.

Me: Look. I’m not going anywhere.

I took a picture of myself sprawled on the cushions and sent it.

Me: See? If you want me out of your life, you’ll have to come here and do it yourself.

Me: I have something very important to tell you.

Me: I just found out I’m

A knock hammered the door.

I abandoned the unfinished text as I sprang upright. The guard stepped aside and opened the door.

I dashed across the floor, growling with relief.

“About freaking t—”

A tall, pale-skinned man stepped into the foyer with an air of superiority that made me want to punch him, despite his great looks. He wore a dark blazer over charcoal pants, immaculate in a way that shouldn’t be allowed. Not one strand strayed from his perfectly coiffed waves, which sparked like copper fire in the light. Two black hooded eyes under a prominent eyebrow bridge. Shadows ran along the corner of his mouth to his high cheekbones, and they curved wildly when his full mouth tipped in a smile.

“Hello, Evie.”

His musical voice pitted my stomach with nausea. Sweat broke over my body as he approached, close enough for me to count the freckles dotting his wrists.

I frowned at the security guys, arms crossed. “I didn’t say you could let him in.”

“They actually follow my orders.” He offered me a disarming smile, so light and innocuous it raised my hackles. “My name is Cainan. I’m here to help you.”

“I don’t want your help.”

“I think you do.”

My stomach hardened as the click of a penlight echoed in my mind, dragging forth images of me bound, helpless, and shoved on an auction block. “You were with Tony. That night.”

Judging by his rapidly cooling demeanor, that was extremely unwelcome.

“You would do well to forget the events of that night,” he said, his gaze clinical. “And my part in it.”

“Then why did you come?”

“I had to see what all the fuss was about. Meet the girl that ruined everything.”

A chill skated down my spine. “Ruined?”

“Yeah, you fucked up my plans. Ever since he met you, he’s been distracted. Sloppy.” Cainan sighed heavily and strolled away from me. “I don’t get it. You’re nothing special—no more than a pretty girl with a nice rack.”

Who was this man and why was he in my house? “Go fuck yourself.”

“And not very good at banter, either.”

“Do you know where my husband is?”

“You don’t have to worry about him anymore. He’s been captured. He’s at the MC.”

Oh my God.

I grabbed my purse and shot toward the elevator. Cainan grabbed my shoulder and held me still.

“You’re staying here.”

“Like fuck I am!”

“It’s what Tony wants. Besides, it’s not safe for you at the MC.”

Shit. He was right.

My pulse shot to the stratosphere. “Can you help him?”

Cainan shook his head slowly, pained. “I tried. I did what I could, but…he’s not getting out of this.”

“Then let me help him!” I shouted brokenly, trembling. “He’s my husband. I can’t sit here and wait for him to die.”

“He wouldn’t want me to put you at risk.”

I seized his blazer and yanked, but it was like pulling on a wall. “I don’t give a shit about what he wants! You’ll take me to him right now!”

A flicker of amusement danced in his ebony gaze before it hardened. “I’m trying to do right by him.”

“Please, Cainan. I love him. I’ll do anything for him. Anything. Don’t rip my family apart before it’s barely started.” I sank to my knees as the tears burning my eyes burst free. “I’m having his baby! I can’t do this on my own! I need him. God, I need him.”

A benign smile staggered across his face as he drank in my kneeling position, his hand hovering over my head. He lightly brushed my hair.

“He does have a chance of surviving if you go…but you might not make it out Copyright 2016 - 2024