Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,86

that it’s any of your business, but he seemed like a decent guy. It’s not like the club has a lot of variety.”

“I’ll say.”

I grabbed Tony’s collar. “Enough.”

He ripped away from my touch before addressing Jennesy in a deadpan. “I apologize. I’m still raw from being kidnapped and tortured by your baby daddy. ’Scuse me.”

He stood, bumping into the table. Drinks wobbled in his wake. Christian steadied his bottle, his cold eyes following Tony.

I was mortified. “Sorry, Jennesy. I should’ve warned you.”

Jennesy swallowed, nodding.

I felt bad about leaving her, but Christian had already wrapped his arm around her. He murmured something that made her lean her head onto his shoulder and smile.

I followed Tony to the men’s bathroom. I slipped behind him and locked the door. Tony leaned over the sink, splashing his face. The water ran from the faucet but he didn’t seem to notice. He stared into the mirror.

I shut off the spigot.

“The man ruined my life.” Tony gripped the edges of the sink so hard, I worried it would break off. “He’s the reason I spent a year trapped in hell with no hope of surviving. Or escape.”

“I thought you said the MC kept you captive for a few weeks.”

He ignored that, rubbing his arms. “It sickens me that a piece of him is still alive.”

“Tony, that baby is the sweetest thing in the world. He’s nothing like Crash. He’ll never be like him.”

“He’s growing up in a clubhouse, Evie.”

“Jennesy is an amazing mother. She’ll be out of the MC before long.” My pulse hammered as I approached a subject close to my pregnancy. “Two loving parents make all the difference.”

“You mean like we would be?”

We will.

My mouth opened, but I couldn’t tell him that in a bathroom. Tony’s faint smile suggested he was on to me, and he sighed.

“Evie, a baby is just a baby. It can’t fix me.”

“When did I ever say you needed to be fixed?”

Tony stepped away from the sink with an electrifying look that sent a jolt through me. He slipped his hands into my hair, undoing my curls as he smashed his mouth to mine. Heat rushed where he kissed me. He lingered, eyes closed as though savoring the moment. Wet heat lashed the seam of my mouth, and I moaned.

He pulled away with a growl. “Let’s leave before I bend you over the sink.”

My heart pounded an erratic rhythm as we returned to a more cheerful Jennesy, who might’ve been coming on too strong. She pawed at Christian’s chest and found every excuse to touch him. He was sweet about it but kept his hands to himself.

We got through dinner without another outburst. Tony ordered a chocolate mousse cake for us to share. When the check came, Tony thrust his credit card at the waiter, ignoring Christian’s wallet.

“Thanks, T.”

“No worries.” Tony patted his arm. “You’ve put in many hours watching this one, and I know she’s a handful.”


Christian winked at me. “I’ve learned a lot about jewelry.”

“But I’m no further in my Italian lessons. You should hear about the casserole incident.”

“What, did she screw up ziti?”

“Not exactly.” Tony grinned, giving my cheek an affectionate pinch. “She tried to insult me in Italian and failed miserably.”

Christian’s smirk fell from his face. He pushed his chair back. Hairs on my neck rose with a tingling awareness as a man made a beeline through the restaurant. Christian reached into his jacket, whipping out his gun.

A deafening bang rang out, cratering my eardrums. A powerful hand landed on my spine and shoved, knocking my chin onto the ground.

“Stay down, Evie!”

I did. I flattened my palms on the tiles as the stampede of feet pounded the floor. Gunfire cracked. Pained screams. Jennesy and I joined hands under the table until it flew away from over our heads. Wood crashed in front of our faces. Gunshots slammed into the booth. Dishes shattered. Gunpowder stung my nostrils.

Then it was over.

The smoke cleared as boots hammered the ground. A thunder of motorcycles fled as the sirens approached. A desperate gasp bottomed out my stomach.

I scrambled out from cover.

Two men sprawled on the floor, unmoving.

Next to them, Christian.

No. “Christian?”

He lay still, gasping. Red blossomed from a hole in his chest. I stared, my body stiffening as Tony knelt beside him, packing his wound with a tablecloth.

Jennesy knocked me aside as she dove to him, jarring me awake. I sprinted to them and grasped Christian’s hand as Jennesy helped Tony stanch the bleeding. My gut clenched as blood welled around Copyright 2016 - 2024