Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,80

he reached his climax. My walls contracted around his cock as he buried himself, holding me tight.

A warm jet blasted, in tandem with his thrusts. I glowed. Aching. Gloriously wet. Tony collapsed. I grinned. He smiled and pulled me into his chest, tucking my head under his chin. His hand sought mine, intertwining with my fingers as he held it over his heart.

It was the most intimate we’ve ever been. I lay on my back, exposed, vulnerable, but he clutched me like I was his only means of survival. His grip made my knuckles ache but his eyes closed in lazy contentment. He broke the kiss, sighing.

I smoothed the cowlick teasing his forehead and kissed his stubbled cheek. He let me, lying there like a contented housecat. My heart squeezed as he gripped me harder.

He was such a complicated man, but I was beginning to understand him. I loved his flaws. I loved him. And I wanted him to be with me every day because when he was, I felt cherished and beautiful. Like I could conquer anything.

Passion rose inside me like a flame, clouding my brain, and then it burst out of me.

“Tony, I love you.”

His eyes opened to half slits and he stared. He didn’t react. He seemed to hold his breath. He glared at me as though waiting for me to admit it was a joke.

“I love you.”

His body stilled, and his expression sobered.

My pulse raced. Seconds ticked by, his silence deafening. “I said I love you. I fucking love—”

Tony slammed his mouth into mine, shutting me up. Then he flipped me onto my stomach and forced me to my knees. He entered me with a painful thrust, startling me. His hands ground into my hair and he ripped my head back. My scalp stung as he traced my lips, easing his finger inside.

“Say it again,” he ordered.

“I love you.”

He introduced a second digit. “Again.”

I repeated it, the sound muffled.

He slapped my cheek, the smack tingling my nipples with arousal.


“I love you.”

His hand slipped around my throat. He held it loosely, pounding me until my knees shook, and I collapsed on the bed.

I inhaled, the air trapped by his fingers. My eyelids flitted from the lack of oxygen, the act burning my body instead of filling it with fear. I loved him. I trusted him. Blackness teased the edge of my vision as he fucked me, and then his hand left my mouth.

I shattered.

I floated on clouds, coming so hard my breath came in agonized gasps, and then I cried into the sheets. Tony bit my shoulder as he climaxed. We were two broken halves, trying to make ourselves whole, and God, it felt so good.

He held me tight as he whispered,

“I love you, too.”



1 1/2 oz vodka

1/2 oz lime juice

1/2 cup ginger beer

Garnish: lime wedge

We all have a monster inside us.

He hates us. Conspires against us. Sabotages our relationships. Destroys our dreams. Mine filled my head with doubt.

You can’t afford love.

You’ll die before you meet your firstborn.

That voice held me hostage. It always dragged me deeper into the well the moment I’d almost clawed myself out. I couldn’t count how many times I’d relapsed because why prolong the agony? I would do it anyway. I wouldn’t be a good father, but when she confessed her feelings after everything I’d done to her, I wished we could have a family.

Two kids. A dog. A house away from the city on a wooded property. My own little slice of heaven. The fantasy spun into images that tortured me for days. I pictured taking my kid to the cabin in the White Mountains, where my father and I had gone for hunting trips. I’d even fantasized about Evie’s pregnancy. What it would be like to fuck her while her belly swelled.

Then reality kicked in my teeth.

Everybody in Boston wanted to kill me.

Even my cousin dodged my calls. Not a good sign. So I made my moves faster than he could keep up with. I met with street bosses of other gangs. I paid them to fuck up any douche bag on a bike. Knox’s media contacts helped me deflect attention from the Family, but that did nothing for my relationship with Vinn.

So I stalked him.

We were long overdue for a chat.

The first hot weekend packed Salisbury Beach with families. Sunshine bleached the ribbons of kelp lying on the sand. I weaved through couples sitting under brightly colored umbrellas, the air thick with a salted scent I loathed. College kids Copyright 2016 - 2024