Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,70

don’t need to placate me.”

“Do I strike you as a people-pleaser?” I pinched her chin, dragging her wounded gaze to mine. “You need to understand something, Evie. Yesterday was the worst day of my life. Losing you to a trafficker, not knowing if you were nearly killed me. Once I found out where you were, I had to wait. I spent that time obsessing over what I would’ve done differently to keep you from running off.”

“Tony. You don’t have to—”

“Let me finish. I never said I didn’t want to build a life with you. I don’t blame you for thinking that because I’ve been such an asshole, but I haven’t been stable in so long. Marrying a woman and starting a’s like a fantasy. It was hard for me to accept this. I resisted you. I pushed you away, but it didn’t work because the truth is…You’re everything I’ve always wanted.”

Tears squeezed from her shut lids. She swiped them away, choking out an apology. Then she threw her arms around me.

I’d been such a moron.

In the beginning, I’d suspected her business was connected. That she knew what her father was up to, but of course she didn’t. She had no idea. Like most of the women in the club, she was trapped in the system.


“I have to go.” A pang needled my stomach as she clung tighter to me. “When I’m back, I’ll cook you breakfast. Or lunch. Whatever you like. I’m yours for the rest of the day, but I have to do this first.”

“Which is?”

“Some miscellaneous errands.”

“Tony, I’m not an idiot. What aren’t you telling me?”


“We’ll talk later. I’m also sending over a doctor and my mom. She’ll keep you company while I’m gone. It’s not up for fucking discussion, so don’t bother arguing.”

Evie let out a heavy sigh.

“Why do you have to leave?”

“Because,” I said tightly, reminded of the four bodies. “I was very clear to Jett. I did not want you involved in club business, and what did he do the second my back was turned? I need to send a message. Crossing me will not be tolerated.”

“What does that mean?”

I didn’t know yet.

My body heated as I pictured my retribution. I cataloged all their crimes. Dragging her into a dangerous situation. Getting her kidnapped. Drugged. Stripped. The theft of her ring, clothes, her dignity and safety. K might’ve sold her to be raped, but he wasn’t the only lowlife on my list.


Her worthless father.

Basically, every man in her life.

I toweled myself dry and left her in the bathroom. I was itching to leave, and her broken pleas didn’t make that easier. I strolled into the walk-in closet.

Evie hung in the doorway, naked. Her soaking hair steadily dripped on her chest, rolling downward, temping me to catch them all with my tongue. “They were robbed. What happened to me isn’t the MC’s fault.”

She had to believe that, didn’t she?

“Agree to disagree.”

“I was there. You weren’t.”

I pulled on black slacks and a shirt, unlocking the gun from my safe, not trusting myself to speak.

“This is your idea of justice? Maybe you’ll shoot me for running away!”

“I’d rather spank your ass bright red.”

“God forbid you’re nice to me for longer than five minutes. Tony, you can’t attack the clubhouse because of one stupid mistake!”

That word infuriated me. It implied innocence. Wrong place and the wrong time. Bullshit. Legion had made their bed. She still failed to grasp the enormity of the situation, and I was sick of handling her with kid gloves.

“I’m not shooting up anything, all right? And I won’t be at the MC.” I grabbed her chin and kissed her mouth roughly. “Promise.”

“K drugged me,” she said, tearing into my chest. “He ripped off my clothes. He took pictures of me while I was helpless. Then he shoved me in a suitcase. He made me feel like trash. Less than an animal. A thing. If you go on a rampage, you’re making this about you.”

My vision clouded with terrible fantasies.

I couldn’t hold this in me anymore. My self-control had frayed to an invisible thread, and it whittled with every confession.

It happened to me, too.

I found her father at a bar.


My fists tightened on the steering wheel. He should’ve been razing the streets, looking for his daughter. Using his manpower to kick down doors, as my family had done for me.

Jett drowned himself in Budweiser.


I sat in a van surrounded by street gang kids. Young and stupid. Hungry for action. Perfect for my purposes. I Copyright 2016 - 2024