Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,63

ceased clapping and flipped his thumb on the iPad. The wall behind him flashed with graphic images of a tied-up woman. “Our next item is Chastity. Twenty-four years old. We’ll start the bidding at ten thousand.”

I stared at my shaking palms.

This was a dark fantasy born from my very exhausted brain. This couldn’t be allowed. Police would be here soon. I’d be saved.

I would be fine.

I wiped my forehead as a girl stumbled across the stage, so dazed with drugs she had to be held upright. I tore my gaze from her and gaped at my topless body. A thong I’d never seen before gripped my waist. I looked just like her, the woman for sale. Blood siphoned from my face.

Rough fingers circled my biceps as my captor led me away from the auction. My head swirled as I struggled to string together the events that had brought me here. I clawed desperately through the fog as K pulled me into an Eyes Wide Shut nightmare.

Sleek black floors dominated the penthouse, which pulsed with a nightclub-like atmosphere. It could’ve been an LA party with the trays of appetizers piled on gold serving plates. I scanned the catered food with a morbid curiosity. Dungeness crab. Sturgeon caviar. Oysters on ice. Bottles sweating beside champagne flutes.

Girls dangled everywhere, half-naked, vacant-eyed. Some wore evening gowns. One lounged over a coffee table, her flesh bone-white under the glaring lights. Mounds of powder sat on her breasts. Men bent over her, snorting lines. They dipped fingers into the snow, wiped the dust between her legs, and licked her clean. They ate off her and drank belly shots.

Warning spasms of alarm twitched my face, squeezing my eyes shut. I opened and closed them, but the insanity remained. I’d never seen anything like it.

Naked girls. Devoured left and right, their bodies used as furniture or whipping posts. Everywhere I looked, women were groped, spanked, and fucked. The strangest part of it all—it could’ve been a BDSM dungeon. Except many of them wore nipple piercings with symbols dangling from them, almost like tags.

They’re all slaves. I fingered my collar. Even me.

My stomach bottomed.

No. This couldn’t be happening. I couldn’t accept the dull ache of foreboding, but nauseating despair wrenched at me, and it grew with every step.

K took in the party with detached boredom. “Your new owner is beyond those doors. Our time together has come to an end. It has been a pleasure.”

“I don’t—I—”

“You were sold.”

The effect of those words shattered me.

Sold. I can’t be sold. How did this happen? Does my Tony know? Will I see him again? Where am I?

Somewhere hidden from the rest of the world.

K had stuffed me in luggage and wheeled me into a truck. Up to that point, I’d never felt like a thing, but I did then, struggling to breathe from the zippered hole. If he saw no issue with treating me like that, he was capable of worse.

I trembled violently.

“Why are you doing this? Can’t you see how wrong—how evil—”

“The world is filled with two kinds of people. Wolves and sheep. You and your father are sheep.” His hand palmed the small of my back. “Word of advice? Keep your legs open. Years down the line, he’ll find a new toy and set you free.”

My chest tightened.

“No, I don’t want this!”

“You’ll grow to like it.”

“I have a life! A husband!” My heart hammered as his grip transferred to my bicep. “You need to take me back. I have to go home.”

“Home is with your master.” K gestured to a kneeling woman. “If you give him attitude, you’ll be treated like this.”

She crawled toward a man sitting with a whip balanced over his thighs. He yanked another girl’s head off his throbbing erection and seized the blonde, and then he mashed their faces together. They exchanged tongue in a series of passionless kisses. He stabbed the leather under their chin and hissed something.

God no.

I shuddered at the thought of being forced to do that. I bit the inside of my cheek and dug in my heels as K pushed me forward, panic sinking into me at last. Black spots crept over my vision. My heartbeat thrashed. I was a bird, desperate for release, fluttering wildly.

Can’t do this.

I whirled. I elbowed his abdomen and broke free. K slung me toward him. He waved the stun gun he’d threatened me with. His thumb slid over a button, and a violent blue arc shot from a pronged tip, scorching the air.


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