Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,55

parking lot to the bus stop. Dad’s heavy boots crunched concrete as he kept pace.

“Evie, I need this favor.”

Suck it. “Those tend to come with a high price tag. No thanks.”

“You ungrateful brat,” he snarled, shoving into my path. “You have a good life. You’re out of the club, just like you wanted. You’re married to a rich man who gives you everything. All I’m asking for is a diamond appraisal.”

“I’m not breaking the law for you.”

“You won’t have to launder them,” he grated. “I’ll tell you everything I know about Costa.”

Temptation battled with common sense.

This was a chance to hear the whole story, rather than what I’d gleaned from the video and whatever Tony was willing to divulge. My phone buzzed incessantly, reminding me there would be hell to pay no matter what.

“I shouldn’t.” My hands stiffened from cold. Too bad I ran out and left my coat at the house. “Tony doesn’t want me involved with club business.”

“It won’t take long.”

As though that mattered.

“Ten minutes, tops.” Dad took my elbow, gently leading me to the motel. “We’ll talk. Promise.”

My guts squirmed, and I nodded. I’d barely stuffed the phone into my purse before Dad’s cell blew up. He fished it from his pocket.

“Yes, she’s right here.” Dad palmed the speaker. “Evie, it’s Costa.”

“Tell him I’m busy.”

“I don’t have time for this shit.” Dad handed me the cell, climbing the staircase. “Don’t let him know where we are.”

Alarm rippled down my spine.

Dad reached the top of the stairs and headed to a room with closed curtains, the battered red door etched with a black eleven. He looked both ways and knocked as Gunner and Clyde stood sentry.

I lifted the phone. “Hey.”

“Finally. I’ve been looking everywhere.” Tony’s impatient gravel struck me deep, spreading dread through my body. “Why didn’t you pick up?”

The concern sent a draft under my dying butterflies.

I swallowed the ball of hurt and adjusted my tone. “You’re lucky I’m talking to you at all.”

“Evie, let’s do this in private.”

“No thanks. I’ve hit my quota of being insulted by my husband.” He interrupted me with questions, but I plunged on. “Dad needs a favor. I’ll call you later.”

“Hold on—what kind of favor?”

“I’m not at liberty to say.”

“I don’t like the sound of that. Where are you?”

“Next to a shipping truck. God only knows what’s in there, but I’ll survive.”

Static crackled on the other end. “Evie, listen to me very carefully. You’re not taking part in this. Give the phone back to Jett and run out of there.”

“No. I’m hanging up.”

“Don’t you dare. I’m picking you up right now. Give me the address.” After a long moment of silence, he gave a rough sigh. “Evie. Honey. You need to do what I’m telling you. You have no idea what you’re involved in.”

My mind blanked.

Drugs or guns. Based on the truck, probably the latter.

“I’ll be fine. I’ve done this before.”

“I don’t want to fight. I just want you safe. Tell me where you are.” He sounded scared, and it dampened the urge to hang up on him. “Evie, the address! Now!”

A lump lodged in my throat. “I’m not even sure where we are.”

“Describe what’s around you.”

“A sleazy motel beside a Five Guys.”

“Okay. Stay on the line. I’m coming to get you.”

“Why bother?” I wiped my eyes, struggling to compose myself. “You hate us. I understand why. I do, but this marriage isn’t fair for either of us.”

“You think I hate you?”

“My world doesn’t revolve around you,” I shot, throwing his cruelty back at him. “Your words. Remember?”

“Evie, we’d just fucking met. I had no idea what to make of you. I’m sorry.”

“What about what you said before I left? You know me now, but I’m still not good enough for you. I’m just a biker bitch to you. You don’t want your DNA contaminated with mine, so you’d rather I get knocked up with a stranger’s baby. You have done nothing but hurt my feelings.”

“Evie…Evie, you’ve got it all wrong.”

“I don’t fucking care. I’ve put in so much effort trying to understand you! Have you done the same for me? Of course not. You think a credit card is all I want in life. You think I’m a gold-digging whore.”

“Jesus. I never thought that!”

Not good enough. “I’ll call in a couple hours.”

“Don’t hang up!” he shouted, blasting my ear. “Evie, I’m sorry. I am. I want you to come back. Let’s talk about this. Please, Evie. You have to leave. I’m begging you to walk away.”

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