Monster A Dark Arranged Marriage Romance - Vanessa Waltz Page 0,22


“Oh my God, Tony.”

Then he used his mouth in a way I’d only been told about by other women. Tony’s lips and tongue teased the tight bundle of nerves between my legs. He flicked and suckled and tortured, the ecstasy of his hot, amazing lips like flashes of lightning.

A jolt hit my pussy when he kissed me. Then a wet heat delved into me. He yanked my hips so I couldn’t squirm. I grabbed his forearm in a halfhearted attempt to stop him, going slack. Tony sucked me in. He closed his eyes and licked, the unbridled joy giving me one immutable thought:

Tony Costa was put on earth to ruthlessly fuck women.

Fighting this insanely sexual man was useless. It only gave more torturous friction against his perfect mouth. I tore at the sheets since I couldn’t grab him. Ripples, waves, and then a tsunami of pleasure loomed just over the horizon. A spasm ripped up my thighs, and a cry burst from my lips.


He made a sympathetic sound. He circled my clit with my wetness, teasing, pinching. “Please what?”

“Please make me come.”

He slammed his fingers inside me, rewarding me with sweet, aching relief. Ecstasy blasted through my cells, and I arched into his touch. I breathed hard into the comforter as the wave crashed into my abdomen and ricocheted up, befuddling my senses. I collapsed, gripping his arm. I was barely conscious when he leaned into the bed.

He shifted his leg over mine, his cock lying on my thigh. It still throbbed as though he hadn’t emptied his balls. His hand curled around my belly, blood rushing to the spots he touched.

Tony patted me. Then he lifted me upright, and I limped to my clothes. He wordlessly handed me a Sanctum T-shirt to replace the one he’d ruined. We dressed silently. Words seemed inadequate for what had just happened.

His arm snaked my waist as we left the room, colliding with the group of voyeurs. They bantered with him. Blood pounded in my ears, drowning out their bawdy laughter.

My breathing still hadn’t caught up with my rapid pulse. Once we got in the car, I expected him to pull my head toward the bulge straining his slacks. Tony remained on his side, thumbing his cell, ignoring the sexual tension choking the air.

Even the proudest men caved to desire.

A sneaking suspicion dampened the glow from my orgasm. “Did you like it?”

“Decent first effort,” he admitted an eternity later, reading his phone. “What’s not to like about a wife in her natural position?”

“And where’s that?”

“On her knees and covered in my cum.”

He might’ve shoved me to the floor, but I’d jumped at the chance to give him pleasure, hadn’t I? I’d done it willingly, and it made his insult more grating.

“And what’s the husband’s role?” I shot back, incensed. “Acting like a bullying shit? Taunting the girl who rocked his world ten minutes ago? How many women can get you off like I did?”

A muscle flicked in his jaw. “A shocking amount.”

“Bullshit. You’d be married by now.”

That seemed to strike a nerve.

“Shut up, Evie.”

The car stopped on a cobblestone road, but I didn’t get out.

“You’re not comfortable around me, are you?” I gaped at Tony as his knuckles whitened. “That’s why you avoid me. You lose control around me, and that’s scary. Because you had a bad experience. Maybe you ignored a safe word. Took things too far—”

“You need a reality check. I was forced into this marriage, and my world does not revolve around you.” Tony leaned over me and opened the door. “Out.”

The dismissal stung more than I’d expected. A stupid part of me assumed he’d make up for his behavior. Even more mortifying, I’d hoped he’d chase me.

“I should’ve known a monster like you only responds to blood or cum.”

Color flushed his face, but his eyes were dead. The light in them had extinguished. The fire fueling his banter—that was gone, too.


“Hide your eyes, darling. I can see your heart through them.” Tony lifted his head, smirking. “You will never win me over.”

I stepped onto the pavement and slammed the door.

My eyes welled as Tony disappeared behind the fogged glass, and then his car took off. The angry, red gleam of his taillights burned into the bleak night.

My throat tightened, but I shelved the hurt to deal with another day.

I would outmaneuver Tony.



1 ¼ oz gin

1 ¼ oz Campari

1 ¼ oz sweet vermouth

Garnish: orange twist

My biggest enemy was me.

The bitter irony was that I’d spent decades shooting up, snorting, and Copyright 2016 - 2024