A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,80

that she recognized from Jamie’s kitchen, the names all just a haze now. A few held instruments on their laps, and candles were passed out to the rest.

An old man stood up, baby in one arm, and held his candle high.

“We surround this circle

With our love, with our power.

Protect the work they do this hour.

We hold the light, embrace the night,

To watch and wait and see.

As I will, so mote it be.”

With his last words, the candle flamed and the baby cooed in delight.

Fire was passed from candle to candle until the outer circle was a ring of light. At some unspoken cue, those with instruments started a low rhythm. Nat’s clear voice began to sing, a soft chant joined by tens of voices.

Lauren heard Jennie’s voice inside her head. Open your mind, sweetling. Feel what they give you now.

Dropping into mind center, Lauren softened her barriers and love rushed in. Some in the outer circle were still strangers to her, but they loved all the same. Love for the traditions, love for the community, and a deep love for each other, all offered to the inner circle in protection and support. It should have been overwhelming.

Lauren breathed in Nat’s quiet joy, Ginia’s dreamy song, the wonder of a purple-haired toddler at his first circle. It was not overwhelming at all.

She looked at Aervyn. His hearing aids were showing. The last of the butterflies in her belly settled. It was going to be okay.

The earth trio stood, Mike holding handfuls of dirt, Sophie and Tabitha with outstretched hands.

“We of the North call on Earth,

Of fertile life and new growth.

We of the North call on Earth,

The rocks beneath us,

Cliffs that soar with strength unbending.

We of the North call on Earth,

With voices three.

As we will, so mote it be.”

Lauren jolted as she felt the solid sweep of earth power. She felt the edges of panic. It wasn’t time yet for them to push power to her. Jennie sent calm. It’s only the power of the place you feel, child, and perhaps the echo of what Tabitha channels. We will not connect until you are ready.

Jamie rose next, flanked by Aurelia and Scott, wind whipping their hair.

“We of the East call on Air,

Breath of life and soul’s flight.

We of the East call on Air,

Of ocean storms and soft breezes of night.

We of the East call on Air,

With voices three.

As we will, so mote it be.”

This time, Lauren was more prepared for the swirling zing of air power. Nell, Caro, and Govin rose next, bathed in light from the globes of fire on Nell’s outstretched palms.

“We of the South call on Fire,

Creator and destroyer, and force of will.

We of the South call on Fire,

Sun and stars that heat our sight.

We of the South call on Fire,

With voices three.

As we will, so mote it be.”

Fire’s energy was vibrant and hot. Lauren felt almost jittery as the power danced around her. Edric got to his feet slowly, Jennie and Nathan helping him up. He raised a clear bowl of water to the sky.

“We of the West call on Water,

Of life-giving stream and cleansing rain.

We of the West call on Water,

The ocean’s reach and drops under our feet.

We of the West call on Water,

With voices three.

As we will, so mote it be.”

Power rushed through witch and non-witch alike in the magic of this place—the light of fire, the strength of earth, the fluidity of water, and the dancing swirl of air. Lauren could see the glowing dome of magic form over the circles, stretching for the darkening sky. The dome of her mind’s center vibrated in welcome, and in comfort.

It was time.

Lauren reached for Aervyn’s mind. For just a moment, she sensed the power he could feel in this place and shivered. How did one small boy contain all that? She shoved her sudden fear away and deepened their connection.

Just as she’d done in the training circle, Lauren grew tendrils from the base of her connection to Aervyn and reached toward Jamie. She felt his cocky grin as the air energy flowed cleanly over her dome. Then she felt him panic. Power exploded over her dome, a raging hurricane of energy. Holy God, what was that? Jamie’s mind sent one word. Aervyn.

He was only four, dammit! Lauren’s mind snapped at Aervyn. Too much! The hurricane tapered to a minor tempest. Jamie and Lauren moved fast to glue down all the flapping loose ends of her dome that were leaking power everywhere. She grew more silk-strong tendrils for

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