A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,8

to finish. Then she was going to stretch her self-imposed eating-out rules and hit the corner store for some kind of sustenance.

Chapter 3

Sophie: Morning, Nell. Good afternoon to you, Aunt Moira. I know we hadn’t planned to chat today, but last night was a bit of a surprise and I wanted to put our heads together. What did you think?

Nell: The big twist was fetching someone who has power, but doesn’t know it. That’s a bit of a wrinkle.

Sophie: No kidding. How do you suppose the spell managed that? I assumed it would need to sniff actively channeled power to work. Lauren’s power is most likely latent, no?

Nell: Dunno. Sometimes spells take unforeseen turns. It’s possible it can sniff latent power, or it’s possible Lauren has at least some ability to channel and direct her power and just isn’t aware of it. Moira, what do you think?

Moira: Well, a good trainer can often sense latent talents, or talents just beginning to bloom. But most often, that emergence happens long before a girl is grown. I’d guess Lauren’s power is active, at least in some small ways. And an untrained witch is a dangerous witch.

Sophie: You drummed it into us often enough, Aunt Moira.

Nell: No kidding. I think I mumble it in my sleep some nights.

Moira: Important things bear repeating. History is full of stories of witches who came into their power suddenly and did terrible damage to themselves and others.

Sophie: Lauren’s an adult, though. Surely she isn’t going to start bursting things into flames.

Moira: It’s not likely, lass, I’ll give you that. More likely she has a quiet bit of earth magic or a little empathy, and those are unlikely to do any serious harm.

Sophie: Small powers that have slipped under the radar—that would make sense.

Moira: It’s not the only possibility, however. If there’s even a small chance she has stronger powers, or the potential for them, we need to find out. We didn’t plan to find ourselves an untrained witch, but we did. I think we have an obligation to our part in this, and to her.

Nell: Moira, you’re our good conscience. I agree with you, though. That’s why I offered to send Jamie her way. I’m all about a virtual witch community, but some things just can’t be done on the Internet. Jamie can verify that Lauren does indeed have power and do at least a basic scan of her talents. That would put us in a much better place to know how to help her.

Sophie: Assuming she wants help. Not everyone wants to be a witch. It seemed like she took it all in good humor last night, but she might feel differently once she realizes this is real and we’re not just three amusing crazy women.

Moira: The only way to start a journey is to move your legs. Sending Jamie is a good idea, if he’s able to go. He’s a bit unconventional in his methods, but he’s a good trainer.

Nell: I’ve already spoken to him. We just finished a big update for Enchanter’s Realm, so he’s got some free time coming, and he’s happy to ‘make first contact’, as he put it. I think Lauren’s picture might have helped; she’s not hard to look at. He can leave for Chicago tomorrow.

Sophie: Are you going to let Lauren know? Do you have any way of contacting her?

Nell: Sure, but probably none that wouldn’t make her think we’re stalkers. She’s a realtor. I assume Jamie can find her in a public place and do a basic assessment that way. If she’s got power, he can take it from there.

Moira: That sounds a bit underhanded, Nell dear, surprising her that way.

Nell: I don’t think we’re trying to hide anything. I can’t think of a better way to handle it. I know if I got an email saying some strange guy was coming to visit, I’d be more than a little freaked out. Jamie’s got a lot better chance meeting her in person.

Sophie: I have to agree. I got the feeling she didn’t take us quite seriously last night, but she still chatted with us. I don’t want to scare her off before we ever meet her.

Moira: Jamie’s a good lad. He can be trusted to do what’s right.

Sophie: I think so, too. Let him know the login spell, Nell. Maybe he can check in and give us updates every so often. And to totally change the subject for a minute, when will we see the Enchanter’s Realm update?

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