A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,75

do I keep from turning truly mean after tomorrow’s circle, besides eating omelets before we start?”

Sophie’s grin had ‘I told you so’ written all over it. “Crystals and potions, my dear. That would be the mumbo-jumbo portion of the program.”

She’d walked right into that one. “I don’t want to be a cranky witch, so what specific mumbo and jumbo do I need?”

“It would be easier for now if you’d just trust me. I’d like to drop you into a light healing trance. Your channels are a bit clogged up, and clearing them out will help. I can also encourage your digestive system to get to work on that pizza, which will help your serotonin levels rise gently while you sleep.”

Lauren frowned. “Assuming I can sleep. That’s been a bit of an issue the last few days.”

Sophie nodded, apparently unsurprised. “That’s the low serotonin again. With your permission, I’ll set a light sleep spell when we’re finished.”

What’s a little more hocus-pocus. Nat and Sophie both laughed. Shit, she was still thinking too damn loud.

Sophie asked Lauren to lie down on the bed, and looked at Nat. “Will you help with this? Lauren trusts you, and you have a very serene presence. That can be very helpful for healing.”

Nat looked fascinated. “Sure. Just tell me what to do.”

“Are guided meditations part of your yoga practice? If you could walk Lauren through a visualization to relax, that would be extremely helpful. If I don’t need to draw power for that piece, I can do her more good.”

Lauren did feel better with Nat walking her through a familiar shavasana meditation. She felt warmth slowly seeping into every muscle in her body, gently making everything heavy and quiet. Sophie was chanting in the background, but Lauren couldn’t quite catch the words.

Her lapis pendant suddenly felt almost hot, and she was aware of other crystals on her forehead and outstretched palms. Then four hands began to lightly brush her skin, and she smelled rosemary. Must be the potions part of the program, murmured her lazy brain.

Her pendant cooled, and Sophie’s words came through more clearly.

“I call to sleep,

That it may come and carry deep.

Let this mind rest held safe in love,

And friendship three.

As I will, so mote it be.”

Chapter 18

Nat handed Lauren a smoothie the moment she set foot in the kitchen. It wasn’t coffee, but it would apparently have to do, since there were about fifty people standing between her and anything that resembled a coffee pot.

“Who are all these people?”

Nat shrugged. “Relatives, friends, and pretty much the entire witching population of California, I think.”

“I thought the circle today was only fourteen people. There are enough for four circles in this kitchen.”

Jamie spoke over Lauren’s shoulder. “There are more in the living room. There will be about a hundred people at the circle tonight.”

So much for a quiet ritual in the woods, Lauren thought. “Sounds like we’ll have an awfully big audience.”

“They’re not just here to watch,” Jamie said. “They will participate, in a very real way. They’ll form an outer circle of love, light, and community around the working circle. Nat’s going to help with the opening invocation.”

Non-witches got to play too? Harry Potter had led her seriously astray. “Is there any danger to having so many people there?”

Jamie sighed. “Nell spooked you. She was afraid of that. There are risks to magic, but all these people are here because it can also be wondrous. Tonight is going to be awesome, and we have a lot of witches on hand to help manage any surprises. It will actually be a lot safer than the training circle on Saturday.”

“Now you tell me,” Lauren said dryly.

Jamie laughed. “You’re going to have a front-row seat on a miracle, little sister. Hold on with both hands and soak in the thrill.”

He grabbed two omelet plates out of thin air and handed one to her. “Eat it fast, before someone notices I disappeared them.”

Lauren grinned and dug in. She was feeling a lot happier, so maybe Sophie’s protein idea was worth a try.

Jamie’s plate vanished just as he stuck a fork in the omelet. “Damn, didn’t eat fast enough.” He swiveled his head around, clearly looking for the culprit. A man with inky black curls saluted with his fork.

“Too many teleporters in one room,” Jamie grumbled. “That’s Mike—he’ll be point for earth in the circle tonight. He’s a strong healer, when he’s not swiping my breakfast.”

“He a relative?” Lauren asked around a mouthful of eggs.

“I don’t think so, but

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