A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,71

we have weighted blankets for when he sleeps, and lap pillows that may work instead of the vest. There are also some therapies we can do that may decrease his need for the extra weighting.”

Lauren looked over toward Jacob and his mother. He had gotten up now, but not to spin. He was walking slowly around the room, touching toys and furniture as he walked.

“He’s exploring,” Tabitha said. “When he isn’t overwhelmed by the need to try to ground himself, he has the capacity to do other things, to learn and grow. The challenge with autistic children is that we have too many choices, too many possible therapies. Trial and error can take a long time. You’ve opened a big doorway for him.”

Jennie blew her nose too. “Well, that wasn’t the job-shadowing experience I had in mind, but I think it will do. Lauren, it’s a beautiful thing you’ve done for that boy and his family. Look at him now.”

Jacob and his father were sitting with a bin of blocks beside them. His father stacked three blocks, and then held one out to his son. Jacob watched, but didn’t move. His father added that block to the stack, and then held out another one. This time Jacob took the block, and added it to the top.

Tabitha made a quiet sound of pleasure. “Jacob’s father is a builder. He made a set of blocks when his wife was pregnant. He has been waiting for this moment since the day his son was born.”

She turned to Lauren. “It’s the everyday interactions that connect families. It’s not the blocks that matter; it’s the chance for a father to guide his son, to play with him and help him learn.”

By now Lauren was an old hand at feeling completely overwhelmed. “It sounds like you do wonderful work here and really make a difference. I’m glad I could help a little.”

Tabitha shook her head and laughed. “I’ve completely overdone it, haven’t I? I really apologize. I didn’t expect so much to come of you diving into Jacob’s head, or I would have eased you in a little more slowly.”

Jennie laughed. “You’ll note she would have done it anyway.”

Tabitha grinned. “You know me well. I bug you all the time to come in so you can help read my kids, and clearly Lauren here is a lot stronger telepath than you are.”

Jennie leaned over and spoke in a stage whisper. “Shh—she’s not supposed to figure that out for a while yet.”

The two of them were a really unlikely pair. Jennie looked like anyone’s grandma, and Tabitha was young and the kind of beautiful that made grown men stutter. Appearances were obviously deceiving, in both cases.

They were terrifying standards to live up to.

Chapter 17

Moira: Are you there, child?

Lauren: I am, and I have a surprise for you. Do you see the little orange button on the right side that looks like a video camera? Click on that.

“Oh, goodness—I can see you!”

“I asked Nell to add video to our chat,” Lauren said. “It’s not the same as sitting in a room together, but I thought you might enjoy it all the same.” And so might I, she thought, looking at Moira’s comforting face.

“Is it magic, then? Our Nell is an excellent spellcaster, although how she does it with this Internet is an eternal mystery to me.”

Lauren laughed. “No magic at all, just a few lines of code. I think Ginia actually made the changes. She’s frighteningly good for an eight-year-old.”

Moira sighed. “I miss watching Nell’s brood grow. I remember holding those three girls on my lap when they were only wee toddlers.”

Lauren mentally slapped her forehead and sent a quick instant message to Nell’s house. “You’re close to Nell, then? I know Sophie spent summers with you.”

“She did, and the daughter of my heart she is. But Nell is special to me as well. I was present at Aervyn’s birth. The girls were only three then, and we had such fun together.”

“Well then, you’ll appreciate Aervyn’s latest stunt.” Lauren read Nell’s reply. Just let me tweak the code for a three-way—I’ll have the girls online in a few minutes.

“Oh, I’ve already heard, lass. News travels very quickly in the witching world, especially when big magic is involved.”

Lauren grimaced.

Moira’s grin was a little devilish. “I’ve been getting lots of visits lately from people wanting to hear about this new young witch we found on the Internet, the one who channels for Aervyn.”

Lovely. Add ‘Aervyn’s sidekick’ to her rapidly morphing

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