A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,65

radiated with the light of Jennie’s power. It flowed smoothly to the connection with Aervyn and into his waiting spellcaster hands. Lauren could see Aervyn’s mind dance with approval. Me next, he sent.

Lauren was confused. In moments, she saw his star-bright elemental power reaching toward her web. She was pretty sure spellcasters weren’t supposed to add energy to the circle, but at this point, they were pretty much flying without a map anyhow. Gently, she warned him. Go slow.

The wattage dimmed on his power, and she extended a couple of threads. There was a jolt on joining, and then she saw his power zoom over her threads, sending the whole web dancing. Power sang, and she was well aware he was connecting with only a fraction of what he had.

Jennie sent a quiet nudge. Gather the others, child. You’re doing very well. Lauren reached tendrils toward Jamie, and then Nell. Both experienced spellcasters, they connected into her web with only tiny ripples.

I’m ready, she sent to everyone. Turn up the power.

Lauren looked up from her mind center in wonder. It felt like sitting in the middle of the sun. Power wove and danced, fiercely bright, coming from the circle and exploding down the tube of her connection with Aervyn. God, he was only four, and that was one hell of a power flow.

Trust him, said Jamie’s mind voice. You’ve just given him the best gift ever. No one’s been able to channel him a fraction of what he’s holding now. Let’s see what he does with it. Hold the web. That’s your job.

Lauren focused on the web of light pouring toward Aervyn. She sensed him directing and shaping it, felt the building of pressure as he brought the spell to readiness.

When Aervyn finished casting and released the spell, her web glowed for a moment with impossible light. Then Lauren felt her soul fly, joined by four others.

Dance of light in a timeless, sky-blue haze. She was seagull and circus airplane, diving eagle and blown leaf.

Go back now, child. Jennie’s mental touch guided Lauren slowly back to her mind center.

Lauren wasn’t sure how long it took her to feel the physical hands clasping hers, the air flowing in and out of her lungs, the breeze on her face. Slowly, she opened her eyes. Aervyn’s glee was immense, and the power flowing out of him still palpable.

Jamie was the first to find words. “I’m not sure anyone will believe us.”

Lauren was stunned, and more than a little puzzled. “I’m not sure exactly what happened. Aervyn, what spell did you do?”

Apparently she was very funny. Nell, Jamie, and Aervyn exploded with laughter. Jennie hushed them. “Lauren’s new to magic. Look down, child.”

She looked down, and clutched Jamie’s hand much tighter. They were floating about five feet in the air. Holy shit. “Aervyn floated us?”

“I flewed you!” Aervyn shouted.

“Didn’t you feel us fly, Lauren?” Nell asked.

Lauren nodded slowly. “I did, and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. But why are our bodies are up in the air?”

“I flewed them.” Aervyn looked ready to lift off again at any moment.

“I thought it was just in my head.” Lauren suddenly had a clearer memory of the sky-blue haze. Still clutching Jamie’s hand, she looked down at the ground. “Wait, our bodies flew? For real? Did we get higher than this?”

Nell, Jamie, and Aervyn all collapsed in laughter again. One more time, Jennie hushed them. “Lauren, you felt us flying, right?”

“Well, yes, but I thought it was our minds flying, or our souls. It was really beautiful.”

Jennie beamed at her. “It was beautiful. Sometimes we witches can separate our souls from our bodies, but that kind of astral travel is difficult and dangerous.”

Oh, holy God. “I think I need ice cream.” Then her very slow brain really computed what Jennie was saying. “Wait a minute. Wasn’t that awfully dangerous? What if we fell?”

Aervyn settled them all gently to the grass and looked very worried. “Lauren, did I scare you? I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought it would be fun to fly together.”

It had been the most amazing moment of her life so far, and the person responsible was getting a quivery lip.

“Oh, sweetie.” Lauren swept Aervyn into her lap and cuddled him. “It was the best thing I’ve ever done. It was just really big, and I don’t know what to think now. But you didn’t scare me. Thank you for flying me—it was the best magic ever.”

Fortunately, small boys are very

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