A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,56

how’d you beat him?

Lauren: I yelled “Cat Woman”, commandeered one of his Matchbox cars, and zoomed through his barriers while I tickled him. It seemed a bit like cheating, but Jennie tells me it was legal.

Nell: Girl, with Aervyn, anything’s legal. No one besides Jennie has been able to beat him, no matter how much we all cheated.

Lauren: Seriously?

Nell: Not since we taught him the game a year ago. Even Jennie has only beaten him once or twice in the past six months. It’s good for him to have someone who can challenge him. Jennie was very impressed you did it this early in your training.

Lauren: She didn’t let on.

Moira: She wouldn’t, child. Trainee witches get overconfident very easily. You’ll be a trainer yourself one day, and you’ll do the same.

Lauren: I don’t know about that. I feel like I’m failing kindergarten right about now.

Nell: That’s only because you’ve been thrown into genius school with Aervyn. I watched that yoga class this morning—you did much better than Jamie. He’s not a very strong mind witch, but he’s had years to practice.

Sophie: Jamie did yoga?

Nell: I lost a bet with Nat because of it. My whole dark-chocolate stash was on the line.

Sophie: Do tell—how the heck did she manage that?

Lauren: Jennie had Nat do a class this morning, but instead of verbal instructions, we were supposed to pick up images from her mind.

Moira: She’s a very creative trainer, that Jennie. Good practice for all of you.

Sophie: I’m still stuck on the fact Jamie did yoga. I’d have taken that bet too, Nell.

Nell: Feel free to send me chocolate; my cupboards are empty.

Sophie: I just might. Lauren, how is it going with Jamie and Nat?

Lauren: I haven’t had a whole lot of time to talk with her. All these lessons make it hard to have some girl time. Nell, do you know anything?

Nell: Men don’t talk unless you make them, and I haven’t had time to tie Jamie down and torture him yet. I will, and soon. I like Nat, but it’s got to be tricky for both of them to see their future mapped out like that.

Sophie: How does Nat feel about getting involved with a witch? For some, that’s an awfully big step.

Moira: It’s deeper than that, isn’t it? Jamie saw marriage and babies. She could well give birth to a witchling. It’s difficult for some who are not witches to take all that on.

Lauren: If anyone could roll with all this, it would be Nat. I just don’t know how they’re going to have time to work it all out. We’re only here for a week.

Moira: One step at a time. It’s good they have some time together, and you have some time to work with Jennie. A week is not nearly long enough to train though, Lauren. You’ll need more.

Lauren: I know. My career doesn’t permit me to be here for longer than a week at a time. I talked with Jennie, and she thinks this visit will be long enough to get some basics in place, where I can be around others and function in a relatively normal way. I’ll be coming back every few months so we can work together. She might even come visit me for a bit in Chicago this summer.

Moira: I’m glad to hear it. You have impressive talent, and I’d like to see it developed and used. The witching community will be stronger for your presence.

Lauren: Right now, I’m just training buddy to a four-year-old. I know I need help with barriers, but I don’t really know where this goes beyond that. I don’t want to be rude, Moira, but I don’t know that I’m looking to belong to a community.

Nell: You may feel differently after the circle on Monday. Give it a chance, Lauren.

Sophie: I’m a pretty solitary witch, but even I love the opportunity to join a circle.

Nell: What are you doing on Monday, Sophie? Come out, visit for a few days. Aervyn’s going to try spellcasting for the full circle—it should be memorable.

Sophie: Aervyn’s casting? Oh, Nell—you must be so proud of him.

Nell: My heart sings with it sometimes—just don’t tell him. Do come, Sophie.

Sophie: I’d love to. I’ll check on flights and let you know.

Moira: Aren’t I just green with envy, now. Enjoy your gathering. Lauren, keep your mind and heart open. A circle, especially one of the import you’ll be seeing, is a bit of a miracle.

Nell: We’ll think of you, Moira. Will you be watching?

Moira: Aye,

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