A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,55

to read from her mind. Time to move to the second level of Jennie’s instructions.

Nat began walking around the class, visualizing poses. Without her motions to follow, the mind-witch portion of the program was front and center. Aervyn had no more trouble than before, but they all said he was a powerful little witch.

Jennie did well, but it took her longer to move into a pose. She read Nat’s instructions as accurately as Aervyn, but not nearly as quickly.

Lauren either found the next pose quickly and easily, or had to wait for someone else to figure it out. That’s fascinating, thought Nat. It appeared Lauren’s ability to catch her instructions was fluid, but also hit or miss.

Jamie, poor guy, was obviously outgunned; proof that his mind magics were indeed fairly weak.

Time to wrap things up. Nat’s sense of humor bubbled up, and she carefully visualized Eka Pada Koundinyasana, a devilish arm-balance pose that involved a body twist and full leg splits, all while balancing on only your hands.

Aervyn collapsed to the ground in hopeless giggles. Lauren, with the weight of long friendship, simply stuck out her tongue. Jennie shook her head and spoke out loud. “Maybe ten years ago, my dear, but I think I’d break my nose trying now.”

Jamie looked skeptical and sent Nat a challenging look. She didn’t need to be a mind witch to understand and calmly folded herself into the pose—one of her favorites—kicking out via handstand for good measure.

Then she sat down in lotus and quirked an eyebrow. He looked impressed. Good. Maybe it didn’t keep up with beach escapes and reading the future, but she had some nice tricks too.

Nat finished up the class and left them lying on the grass in shavasana, dead man’s pose, the traditional end to any yoga session.

She let herself quietly into the house and almost ran into Nell. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were here.”

Nell held out a large gift bag. “I always pay my debts.”

Puzzled, Nat opened the bag. It was full of gourmet dark chocolate, enough to power even her mammoth addiction for at least a month. She grinned at Nell. “I’m not sure you’ve lost the bet yet. Jennie made him do it for mind-witch training.”

Nell grinned back. “Keep it. Trust me, it was worth it to see the look on Jamie’s face when you twisted yourself into that last pose. If you can get him to try to do that some day, there’s more chocolate where this came from.”

Nat laughed. “Unlike the rest of you, I’m not a magician.”

Lauren collapsed into the bed pillows and dragged her laptop onto her stomach. Nell had asked her to visit Witches’ Chat, and at this point, she’d gratefully take anything that earned her a break. It was hard to believe it was only a week ago that the fetching spell had sucked her in the first time.

She went to her grocery site and hovered in the dairy aisle. It had seemed like the easiest way for Nell to come fetch her again, but her ice-cream addiction was also getting a serious jolt. There must be Ben and Jerry’s somewhere in California. A little chatting, and then it was time for a field trip.

Sophie: Lauren, thank you so much for joining us. I’ve been thinking about you. How are you doing?

Lauren: My head hurts. This witch stuff is hard work.

Sophie: Are you using the emerald crystal? It can really help with physical recovery of your channels after hard use.

Lauren: You know, I’d forgotten about that. Honestly, I thought it all was pretty hocus-pocus when the package arrived, but the lapis definitely seems to calm and clear things for me. It’s absolutely beautiful, Sophie—a really thoughtful gift, even if I didn’t realize it at first. Thank you.

Sophie: You’re most welcome.

Nell: It was an inspired gift, with Lauren having channeling talents as well as mind powers. Lauren, there’s a full circle on Monday night, and I think Jennie plans to bring you. Wear the lapis for sure.

Lauren: Jennie’s actually had me take the pendant off for lessons so far.

Moira: She’ll be wanting you to learn without using it as a crutch. It will enhance your power once you wear it as you work.

Nell: You beat Aervyn at Grab a Thought without your pendant?

Lauren: Only once, and it took all afternoon to do it. He’s a tricky little witch. Almost got me the last time, too. He snuck a fire truck in under my barriers and sent a ladder up.

Nell: So,

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