A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,35

except she’s extremely sensitive. She’s going to be a hell of a mind witch.

Moira: You’re sure of that?

Jamie: She went down for bagels this morning and got hit by all the minds in the bakery. I heard her distress call from two blocks away.

Moira: That’s incredible range for an untrained witch.

Jamie: Exactly. I can’t begin to send that far, and it would be on Aunt Jennie’s upper limits, I think.

Moira: If she’s got the sensitivity to match her sending, you’ve got a bit of a challenge on your hands.

Jamie: That’s why we just did three hours of barrier work. She needs some nice, thick walls for now so she can at least function while we work on the finer details of barrier control.

Moira: That will be leaving her mind blind, Jamie. She’s likely used to reading at least a little, even if she’s not aware of it.

Jamie: I know, but it’s better than being wide open. It only takes her a few seconds to get a solid wall in place now—she’s learning quickly. I did try to explain to her that she’ll feel fairly cut off from people. I don’t think she’s aware of how much she was probably using her power before, so I suspect she’s got a bit of a surprise coming tomorrow.

Sophie: How can we help, Jamie? I can send some crystals and lotions that will help block her sensitivity a little.

Jamie: That would be great. She needs all the tools she can get right now. The bigger issue, though, is that she needs training, and she’s going to need it soon. I can work with her for a bit, but she’s rapidly going to outpace what I can teach her.

Moira: We have a couple of powerful empaths here, but no one with strong telepathy as well.

Nell: Bring her here, Jamie. Aunt Jennie’s the obvious choice. Empath and telepath both, and also a decent spellcaster. We don’t know if Lauren will channel or cast, but if she does, Aunt Jennie can handle it.

Jamie: That’s what I was thinking, too.

Nell: Find out when she can come. I’ll talk to Aunt Jennie.

Moira: I think that’s wise. Lauren can’t be left half-trained if she has that kind of power. Thank you for the update, Jamie. I’m needing to head off to bed now. The flight back from Ireland was a lot for these old bones.

Sophie: Good night, Aunt Moira. I’ll go as well; I have some remedies cooking on the stove.

Nell: Jamie, can you stay a minute? I have something else to ask you.

Jamie: Sure, what’s up?

Nell: So, who’s the blonde chick?

Jamie: ???

Nell: Aervyn saw you building a snowman with some woman with blonde hair.

Jamie: Oh, crap. He must have caught the edge of my stupid precog. Is he okay?

Nell: Is he ever not okay? The kid creates magical hurricanes and asks for a snack. He just wants to know who she is. Details, brother mine. What’s going on?

Jamie: Long, long story.

Nell: Type fast.

Jamie: Have mercy. I’ll be back in a few days, and I’ll fill you in then. It’ll keep.

Nell: Aervyn says you love her. And that there’s a little boy that looks just like him. Spill.

Jamie: Oh, God. The embarrassment never ends. I saw my future, Nell. Or at least, a possible future, complete with Lauren’s blonde friend and Aervyn’s little clone.

Nell: Oh, wow. Are you okay?

Jamie: Honestly—not sure yet.

Nell: Come home, so I can tease you in person.

Jamie: Love you too, Nell.

Nell: Aervyn misses you.

Jamie: Apparently enough that he picked up my stuff three thousand miles away. That’s scary, Nell. I had no idea that kind of range was possible.

Nell: Trust me, I’m not thrilled. I assume part of it is that the two of you are so tight. Beyond that, I don’t really want to think about it.

Jamie: You know, he’s the only one at home besides Aunt Jennie who has really strong mind talents. He would have fun doing some training with Lauren. Maybe he’d learn some magical manners.

Nell: Yeah, good luck with that. She’s really that strong?

Jamie: I think so.

Nell: Get her here, then.

Jamie: I’ll work on it. Tell Aervyn I love him, and to stay out of my head. Love you, too.

Chapter 9

Lauren walked into her office Monday morning knowing it would be a very good day. The Greenleys were coming in to sign the final paperwork on the brownstone contract, and her head was lovely and quiet, thanks to some kick-ass brick walls.

To avoid a repeat of the bagel shop disaster, Jamie

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