A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,3

only had a couple since you.”

Sophie often forgot she and Moira weren’t actually related. Her childhood summers at Moira’s cottage on the Nova Scotia coast, learning the craft and traditions of witching, had created a family of the heart. “I miss you too, Aunt Moira. I’ll come when I can this summer, to visit and to help.”

“There’s always room for you, sweetling. If you had mind talents, I’d be asking you to join me here in Ireland. We’ve just discovered my great-nephew Murphy can mind read, and we haven’t anyone close by to show him how to stay out of where he isn’t invited. He’s hearing all manner of things that aren’t meant for the ears of small boys. He’s too little to send elsewhere for training just yet.”

“That’s why we need an online community. Jamie’s a mind witch; perhaps he can visit our chat room and help you out with Murphy. Modern witches need to use modern tools.”

“Didn’t I just get on a plane and fly all the way across the ocean? That’s modern enough for this old witch. It’s a good idea, though, asking Jamie for help with the wee scamp Murphy.”

“I hope we can use chat to help with the witchlings, and beyond that, too.” Sophie played her trump card. “So many gifts are going to waste. Not everyone comes from a family that recognizes and nurtures power. You always told us an untrained witch is both a danger and a loss.”

“Aye, Sophie, I know. It’s why I agreed to help you.”

“Indeed. So let’s get started. We need to get you into the chat room. Go up to the bar where I showed you and type in www.amodernwitch.com.”

Moira huffed. “I’m not a total nimwit, Sophie; I can get to your lovely little store. Didn’t I buy some of your chamomile lotion just last month?”

“Aunt Moira, next time you want some lotion, just ask. You don’t need to buy it.”

“I like to support witch commerce. Your chamomile lotion is magic for my arthritic hands in the winter.”

Sophie laughed. There was no point trying to move Aunt Moira when she was standing on high moral ground. “I give up—buy lotion as often as you like. Right now, let’s get you logged in to Witches’ Chat.”

“Haven’t we been trying that for twenty minutes now? So, I put my wee mousie over the yellow button, there. Then what? This mouse creature keeps wanting to go somewhere else. I’m thinking Murphy or one of the other small ones must have magicked it on me.”

Sophie grinned. It was entirely possible. “I can imagine several who might try, Aunt Moira, but you’re stronger than any trainee-witch pranks, I’m sure. Click on the yellow button first, then start the login spell. That will take you into the chat room. I’ll be waiting there for you.”

When she heard Moira’s lilting spell begin, Sophie crossed her fingers and clicked on the yellow “Witches’ Chat” button herself.

“I seek the ones who share my gifts,

To talk, to learn.

This portal will my power discern,

And let me in, as one of three.

As I will, so mote it be.”

Sophie: You did it! Can you read this?

Moira: My eyes are fine, Sophie.

Sophie: Indeed, they are. Well, now you know how to work the login spell. We’ll meet Nell here later today and find out if the fetching spell is up and running yet.

Moira: That will be tomorrow morning for me. I’ll see you then, dear. Is there an exit spell too?

Sophie: No, just click on the little X in the top right corner. Sleep well, Aunt Moira.

Chapter 2

“Mama, Aervyn ported me again. Make him stop!”

“Tell him to put you back.”

“But Mama!” It wasn’t normal for Ginia to sound that mad at her little brother, even when he decided to use her for teleporting practice. Nell backed out of the fridge and took a look at her middle triplet. Then she promptly stuck her head back in the fridge, trying very hard, and not very successfully, to muffle her laughter.

“Mama. It’s not funny!”

“I’m sorry, honey.” Nell tried to look appropriately sympathetic. Her normally mellow daughter was not only steaming mad, she was soaking wet and naked, unless you counted all the soapy bubbles. “Let me guess. You were having a shower?”

“Yes! Aervyn ported me to the back yard. Without any clothes on, and Nathan and Jake were there. Mama, boys saw me naked. You have to make him stop.”

Nell sighed. How did they change so fast? Last summer, Ginia had happily run naked through

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