A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,12

have all the fun.”

“I’ll send you a link. If they suck you in, ask them to send two guys.”

“Will do.” Nat pushed back from the table. “I have class to teach. If a tall, dark witch shows up, I expect to be the first to know. My life could use some shaking up.” As could Lauren’s.

Lauren grabbed one last slice of bread from the table. “If I meet a witch, honey, he’s all yours.”

Nat walked out the door of Santana’s and wondered. The last thing Lauren expected was for her handsome witch to actually show up. Nat wasn’t nearly so sure. Life sometimes moved in very crooked lines.

Lauren saw the Greenleys coming down the street toward the brownstone where she stood waiting. Mitch seemed his usual self, but Kate was radiating emotion, a confused and bubbly kind of joy with a side helping of shock. Something was going on, but whatever it was, Mitch seemed immune.

“Hey, you two. Thanks for coming to see this property. As I said, it’s quite different from what you’ve seen up until now. Why don’t you head in with me, and we’ll check it out?”

“It was a nice walk here through the neighborhood,” Mitch said. “I imagine in the summer it’s really pretty with all the trees.”

“This neighborhood is well known for its trees. Lots of parks and green space, but still very close to downtown and both your jobs. This is a rehabbed two-story brownstone. There are four units. I’m going to show you one on the main level.”

As Lauren opened the door, a bouncy young woman walked up, pushing a stroller. “Hey, hold the door for a moment, do you mind? Are you looking at the Edwards’ place? It’s right across the hall from us. This is a wonderful building—the people who live upstairs are really friendly. I’m Jenn, and this cutie is Nolan. He’s going to wail from hunger any minute, so we’d better head inside. I hope you love the apartment!”

Without giving anyone a chance to get a word in, she maneuvered Nolan and stroller through her door and disappeared with a wave and bright grin.

Mitch laughed. “I guess it wouldn’t be hard to get to know the neighbors. Cute little boy.”

Lauren opened the door to the vacant property. “She called it an apartment, but it’s over two thousand square feet of space. All recently remodeled, but still with a sense of history that fits the building. Why don’t you look around a little, get a feel.”

Kate walked past Lauren into the middle of the living room, spun around twice, and kept moving. It was her normal tour, but on fast forward. Lauren would have chalked it up to the client not being impressed by the property, but she could still feel the waves of emotion coming from Kate.

Mitch seemed a little befuddled by his wife’s speed, but he walked around as well. Lauren imagined he felt lost without his spreadsheets. “What are your first impressions, Mitch?”

“It’s definitely different from what we’ve seen. I like it, though. The old wood floors and high ceilings are really nice, and the fireplace in here is amazing. I like the views, too. A tree outside your window definitely isn’t something you’d get in a condo.”

A good start, Lauren thought. He was keeping an open mind.

They both looked up as Kate blew back into the room. Lauren took one look at her and knew. Click. Big, fat click with a capital C. Go figure. Nothing about this place should have been right for them, but it obviously was.

Lauren knew what to do when a click that strong hit one half of a couple. She got out of the way.

“Mitch.” Kate grabbed his hand. “There are stained-glass windows and a fireplace in the master bedroom. The other two bedrooms are cozy and cute, and I’m sure one could be an office. There’s a breakfast nook in the kitchen, and a wonderful sun porch, and even a little yard.”

Mitch’s face was a study in astonishment. “You want stained-glass windows and a yard?”

“I didn’t until I saw them. Lauren, you’re a genius. This is our home. It needs to be ours. It has a glass block shower in the bathroom and a huge bathtub.”

“Well, those are on the list, at least,” Mitch said wryly.

Lauren had been watching Kate carefully, and she saw the emotion coil and prepare to explode.

“We need a new list, Mitch. We’re having a baby.” Kate stood motionless and watched her husband. Shock crossed his

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