Mixed Emotions - Mia Heintzelman Page 0,26

it for him? What if they were wasting away the best years they could be spending together?

There was so much at risk. Although, if he really thought about it, there was even more to gain.

Mike eyed Kendra thinking of the benefits of getting a woman’s point view for a change. He could use her as a sounding board before he did anything stupid like tell Zora exactly how much he’d held back all these years. Against his steely nature, he parted his lips and let everything spill out…in a roundabout way.

“So this guy…a friend of mine, he’s known this girl for almost their whole lives,” Mike began.

“Uh-huh. Ooh, I love this kind of story,” Kendra murmured adjusting in her seat to get comfortable. She hugged her shoulders close to her and rubbed her hands together.

“She’s beautiful, sweet, motivated, and a good friend who’s stood by him even though he’s basically been avoiding her by dating as many women as possible to keep himself from getting hurt or causing her more hurt than she’s already been through.”

Kendra nodded. “Okay. I get it.”

“So she deserves so much better, and he knows it,” Mike went on. “But it doesn't stop him from feeling like he needs her—even if they’ve gone down this road and he got rejected once. I don’t know what to tell him, but it’s like his life is magnified ten-fold when he’s with her. Everything just feels right, you know?”


“They laugh together, play together, and they are more themselves when they’re together than when they’re apart.”

Kendra pressed her hand over her heart for a second like she really got it, but then she scooted her chair close to the table and squared her body to Mike like she was about to school him.

“Let me guess. They’re both broken?”

Mike nodded, but Kendra was not done yet.

“Her pain is about her parents, who were two amazing people. The mother lost herself somewhere along the way. The dad stepped out on their marriage and replaced their family, so she thought the grandmother could take care of the kids and everyone would be better off without her. This girl, the one your friend loves, she’s scared of repeating history, right?”

Mike’s eyes went wide, and his mouth fell open.

“How long did it take you to figure out I was talking about Zora?”

Kendra smiled and tilted her head forward. “When you said, ‘so this guy.’” She laughed. “Please give me some credit. How long have I been working here? How long have I known this family? I’m required to keep my mouth closed, not my ears.”

Mike bit back a grin.

“You’re in love with Zora.” It wasn’t a question.

“No,” he shot back too quickly.

Kendra dipped her chin and gave him a “who do you think you’re fooling” look.

“I mean, I know Zora owns part of the company but…” Mike was dumbfounded. “She’s more of a silent partner. She’s not around enough for you to draw that kind of a conclusion. What makes you say that?”

“I’m not blind,” Kendra said in her sassiest voice.

Panic coursed through Mike. Why was everyone telling him he was in love with Zora?

What am I missing?

It was always the missing pieces that scared him the most.

His mind drifted to Lucas. He wished when he thought about his little brother he remembered the happy times. The joy on Lucas’ face when he found Mike’s hiding place, his chubby toothless smile in their family pictures. He wanted to remember all the firsts and beginnings. They were still there, but the image always at the top of Mike’s mind wasn’t a happy one. It was Lucas’ ending.

Every time Mike ventured to imagine a new beginning, it scared him. What if he was five minutes late? What if the stars were already aligned and fate decided before he took his position? What if he couldn’t save her like he couldn't save Lucas?

Mike couldn’t imagine any type of ending with Zora.

“I think this has little to do with her and more to do with you,” Kendra said in tune with his thoughts.

“Have you ever missed being there to help when something bad happens? I just want to be there for her, but I don’t want to add to her pain. Does that make sense?”


Mike felt validated in his thinking.

For about two seconds.

“Let me tell you one thing my mother said it to me,” Kendra said. “If you’re always looking in the rearview mirror, you’ll never see the beautiful view in front of you. Do you know what that

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