Mist's Edge (The Broken Lands #2) - T.A. White Page 0,72

first was fair. His skin looked nutbrown, and his hair had been tied entirely back from his face. His eyes were two pools of dark brown highlighted by streaks of amber. He was slight where the other man was muscled, and he moved with a dancer’s grace. He looked at the others in the group with a friendly caution, not fully suspicious, but not at ease either.

Shea didn’t engage with them, content to stay to her side of the platform and watch them from afar. The blond looked like he’d spent a little too much time training—she recognized him. He’d come out of several meetings that involved the clan heads. She was willing to bet he was one of those heads.

Trenton and Wilhelm moved to the next series of ladders and rope bridges and Shea followed close behind. There was a little chatter at this stage of the journey, but Shea knew it would soon drop off as the climb tested the group’s physical endurance, forcing them to save their breath.

Shea and her guards would be in a better position later, as she’d made a habit of taking this trip whenever possible in the past few months, and they had been forced to tag along with her.

They’d just passed the third platform and were taking a breather on one of the rope bridges when Fallon came up to her.

“I can see why your climbing skills were so developed when we first met, if this was the kind of place you learned on.”

Shea gave him a crooked grin. “This isn’t where I learned to climb cliffs.”

He arched one eyebrow, one side of his lips pulling up in a half grin. “Oh? A story you haven’t told me then. I’d be interested to learn where you developed that particular skill set.”

She gave him a wry look. “And if I tell you, will I wake to find the camp preparing to pick up and move?”

A smile cracked the stern mask he normally wore, lending warmth to his expression as a hint of playfulness peeked through.

“It’s always a possibility.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Then perhaps I’ll wait until a better time to tell you that story.”

She looked away from him, still smiling. The dark-haired stranger watched them with a curious expression. His eyes drifted between Shea and Fallon with an almost perplexed look in them.

“Who are your friends?” Shea asked Fallon.

He glanced in the direction she was looking and then away, almost turning his back on the other two as he bent and said in a low voice. “The blond one’s name is Van, clan leader of the Lion clan.”

“And the other?”

“His name is Chirron. He’s a friend of Braden. Technically, he does not hold any power in the clans.”

“And in reality?”

“He’s probably one of the most powerful men amongst the Trateri, with the exception of myself and possibly Darius.”

Shea gave Fallon big eyes. How was that possible? Especially since he wasn’t in the clan hierarchy.

“He’s the leader of our healers. They denounce all ties to their clan once they take their vows. It’s to prevent them from being biased and only offering their services to one clan. In reality, it gives them a voice in all clans.”

And because they were healers, no one would want to risk angering them and having them refuse to assist their clan in times of need.

“Is he a friend or foe?” Shea asked.

Fallon looked over her head, his eyes distant. “I haven’t figured that out yet.”

“He sounds interesting, if you can’t categorize him,” Shea said, her eyes lighting up playfully.

His gaze came down to rest on her. He reached up and tugged on a loose curl, watching in fascination as it straightened and then sprung back when he let it go. She let him do that several times before she batted his hand away and gave him a warning look.

“It is not always easy to tell friend from foe. Chirron, especially, keeps his motives close. I can’t tell if that’s because he’s planning something, or if it’s a natural response from having to deal with the fractious clan elders.”

Shea saw Wilhelm and Trenton begin to move again and knew their discussion was almost at an end.

“Probably a bit of both, I’d guess.”

He made a sound of agreement.

She followed in Trenton and Wilhelm’s wake, leaving the rest of the group to keep up. She was surprised at how well the two strangers were doing, less so with Darius and Braden who probably followed a similar training regime as

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