Mist's Edge (The Broken Lands #2) - T.A. White Page 0,39

stopped beside Shea, taking in the scenery around them. Shea had chosen a spot where the branches of the soul tree and the trees surrounding it had interwoven so closely that it blocked out any but the briefest glimpses of the world below. On one side of the branch floor was a deep groove where water had pooled, creating a series of mini pools. From a branch above, a small stream of water trickled down, creating a small waterfall shot through with the hues of sunset. Moss covered everything as it drenched the small scene in lush, verdant greens. A small purple flower that Shea had learned only grew in spring lent a pop of color to the world.

“How did you find this?” Fallon asked, his face expression alight with wonder.

Shea’s shoulder jerked in a half shrug. She didn’t think he would enjoy learning she left her guards behind as she wandered outside of the safety of the camp and village.

The censorious glance he leveled on her said he guessed how but didn’t feel like arguing with her before he turned his gaze back to the small oasis.

“This is beyond anything that I’ve seen before,” he said, as his eyes took in their surroundings.

Shea gave him a small, pleased smile. She thought he might like it, since he was used to the rocky plains of his homeland and the forested mountains of the Lowlands. Nothing like this. Even with all her travels, this place stood out—a place that most of the world didn’t even know existed, for the simple fact that so few people look up.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” She shrugged out of the pack and set it on the branch at her feet. “I brought food for dinner and a change of clothes for both of us. We can stay the night up here if you’d like.”

The gaze he shot her said she’d surprised him.

“Or we can go back. I know you’re busy with everything; I just thought it might be nice to take a night to ourselves before things get even crazier.”

They hadn’t had one in a while—if ever. There always just seemed to be something in the way, whether that was one of the clan heads demanding his help with an internal clan issue, or him needing to visit with his soldiers, or having to make battle plans because one of the villages decided to rebel. Shea just wanted a little time to themselves.

“No. No, I’d like this.” Fallon’s gaze was warm on her and Shea gave him a happy smile.

“Good. Race you to the pool.” She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it before taking off at a run for the cool water.

There was a long silence before Fallon gave a war cry and pounded after her, the wood under Shea’s feet vibrating slightly as he gained on her. She hadn’t made it even halfway there before he swooped her into his arms and tossed her over his shoulder as she shrieked with laughter. She wriggled madly until he slapped her on the ass. She yelped before wriggling even harder than before, laughing the entire time.

He walked to the edge of the pool and then stopped. Shea used her hands to lever herself partially upright.

“Don’t you dare. These shoes take forever to dry, and I don’t want to climb down with soggy boots,” Shea told him.

His shoulders heaved in a sigh. One huge arm wrapped around her upper thighs to pin them against his chest. The other got busy unlacing her boots before tugging them off in a feat of strength and dexterity that impressed Shea, despite how hard she thrashed as she fought to escape.

He repeated the act with her pants and underwear until she was hanging over his shoulder, her ass bare to any passing breeze. One large hand came up to cup a cheek before squeezing it. He slapped it again, and this time it stung without the protection of a thin layer of cloth. She yelped and then whacked his ass in retaliation.

His shoulders bounced as a deep chuckle rumbled in his chest.

Shea’s eyes closed and she slumped over his shoulder. Crap.

“Yeah, you didn’t think that through, did you?”

“Fallon,” was the only word she got out before she was sailing through the air. She took a deep breath before the water rose up around her, covering her head. She bumped against the smooth wood on the bottom. Her feet under her, she pushed, exploding up.

She slicked her hair back

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