Mist's Edge (The Broken Lands #2) - T.A. White Page 0,162

strides to meet the wall. He found a spot that looked relatively stable and cupped his hands. “Here you go. I’ll lift you out.”

She stared up at the hole and then back down at Fallon. “I don’t like this. We should wait for the rope. Then we can both go.”

“There’s no point. Let’s get you out of here, and then there will be one less person to hoist out later.” His tone left no room to argue.

He felt a wave of relief when her mouth firmed, and she stepped towards him. What he hadn’t told her, the reason he was so insistent that she go now, was because she was right. This place was very close to falling. Every moment they waited was another one where this place might collapse. He wanted her above, where it was safe before that happened.

The fall must have unnerved her more than she’d let on for her not to pick up on any of that or call him on his autocratic orders. For that he was grateful, even as a thread of worry touched him.

She placed her boot in his hand, and he lifted her easily until she was standing on his shoulders.

“Shea!” Buck’s head appeared over the edge. He looked like he’d lain down. Seeing Shea so close, he extended his hand. “Here, I’ll pull you up.”

Shea reached, catching hold of his hand easily. He lifted her out, pulling until she was over the lip of the ledge. Fallon stepped back, watching the place where she’d disappeared.

Shea crawled several feet from the edge wanting to keep her weight as distributed as possible so as not to collapse everything. Buck was right beside her. When she turned and sat, he clasped her on the shoulder, patting her arms and legs.

“I’m fine, Buck.”

“Just making sure, crazy lady.”

“Does Caden have the rope?” she asked, looking around. Eamon and Caden were making their way towards them.

Before he could answer, there was a crack. Half the courtyard caved in.

“Fallon!” Shea lurched forward. Eamon and Caden grabbed her and dragged her back. “Fallon!”

There was a gaping hole where the post had been. Even the spot where Shea had been lifted out was gone.

An ugly feeling rose up inside her—one that threatened to grab her by the throat and spew venom and darkness.

Fallon was down there. Fallon was down there. Fallon was down there.

Shea didn’t realize she was repeating the words over and over until Eamon stepped in front of her and grabbed her face.

“I know, lass. I’m sorry.”

Shea made a choked sound. She couldn’t cry, her eyes were dry. This couldn’t be happening.

“Was the Warlord down there?” a voice shouted.

There were running footsteps as several people spilled into what remained of the courtyard.

“I told you to keep them back,” Caden snapped, his voice coming from a distance. All Shea could do was stare at the hole where Fallon had been.

“They used one of the buildings to slip past us,” another voice answered.

Fallon was gone.

“You didn’t answer me. Was the Hawkvale down there when it collapsed?”

“I don’t answer to you, Rain,” Caden snarled.

“I’d be careful, outcast, in how you speak to the clan leaders. I don’t care if he did make you Anateri. With the Hawkvale dead, one of us stand to take his place,” Van said.


There was a scuffle as Caden lunged at the other man. Only the quick reaction of his men kept him from landing a blow. Eamon and Buck surrounded Shea, their eyes on the others even as they protected her.

“Do you see a body?” Shea’s voice sounded like that of a stranger.

The other men paused, all eyes coming to her. She didn’t notice, staring at the dark abyss of space.

No one answered her.

She finally looked up, her eyes calm and her face composed. “Well? Do you see a body?”

“Will somebody shut her up? We don’t have time for histrionics.”

Shea bared her teeth. A fight. Good. She needed one.

“How ‘bouts I show you histrionics?” Buck threatened, stepping forward.

Van looked at him and curled his lip. “I can see the first order of business will be ensuring discipline in the ranks.”

“There will be no first, second, third, or any other order of business,” Shea said, her eyes flinty. She lifted her chin when the other men glanced at her. “Because the Hawkvale is not dead and you will not be taking his place.”

Van gave a derisive laugh as he looked around the rest of the group. Zeph had joined Van and Gawain. His face was guarded and

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