Mist's Edge (The Broken Lands #2) - T.A. White Page 0,126


Shea stared at the five Trateri from the Ember Clan standing before her. It would be so easy to turn them away. Despite their apology, Shea had to wonder if they would have leapt to the same conclusion had she been Trateri. It was one thing to know you were an outsider and another to have it thrust into your face.

Still, could she afford to turn them away knowing that their deaths due to ignorance would be on her head? When such a simple thing as sharing a little of her knowledge would keep them alive? Could she justify withholding that knowledge for any reason?

The answer was no. She couldn’t. Even if they had been enemies she would feel compelled to help them. It might not be the pathfinder way or even the Trateri way, but it was her way. If she could give such a simple thing, she would.

She sighed. “I’ll see what I can do. You do know that it took me almost an entire lifetime to gather this knowledge. There’s no way I can impart all of it in just a few hours.”

“Give us what you can. You never know when something will come in handy.” Zeph sounded distracted as he noticed several men heading their way. The head of the Rain clan was at the front of the group.

They all eyed the newcomers with varying levels of suspicion and distrust.

“Ember,” Gawain said with a nod so slight that Shea wasn’t sure she’d imagined or not “I see you had the same idea as us.”

“Rain.” Zeph’s face relaxed into smooth lines, all suspicion wiped away.

Bax climbed to his feet and stood with his legs spread and arms held slightly bent at his sides. He looked relaxed, but Shea suspected he could explode into movement at any time.

Gawain finally graced Shea his regard. “The Hawkvale’s Telroi. I have been looking for you.”

Shea didn’t miss the dismissive glance that Gawain swept over Mist or the way the child wedged herself tighter behind Shea as if afraid to draw more attention to herself.

“It seems you’ve found me.”

The smile he gave her was amused and polite and held the kind of goodwill that almost made Shea question her previous impression.

“I believe we got off on the wrong foot,” Gawain said, stepping closer. Wilhelm tensed at her back and even Trenton eyed him with a degree of suspicion usually reserved for Lowlanders. “I will admit I lost my head yesterday and said some regrettable things. We lost some good people. I’m afraid I let it get to me. I apologize for any words that may have offended.”

Pretty words, but Shea wasn’t sure how many of those were sincere. He seemed earnest, his expression open and containing a friendliness that had been lacking yesterday.

She just didn’t quite believe it. Something kept her from trusting him entirely.

She could see how the confusion and attack might have led him to being a tad more hostile than he would be normally. For that reason, she was inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt despite her reservations.

“I understand. Yesterday was a trying day for all involved.”

He held his hand out to her to clasp. “I hope we can put this behind us for Fallon’s sake, if nothing else. We were as close as brothers growing up. I would hate to have harsh feelings between myself and the woman he has chosen to have by his side.”

Shea stared at his hand, not liking how he was forcing her into accepting his apology but also not seeing a way to gracefully decline. She clasped his hand, grasping his forearm in much the same way Daere had clasped Holly’s. Her nod was grudging.

“I’m told you have much to share regarding the beasts and terrain we might encounter in the Highlands,” Gawain said stepping back. “My men and I would appreciate any guidance you might be able to give.”

Both Ember and Rain were accompanying Fallon into the Highlands? Shea would have thought he’d want some of the men who were familiar with the Lowlands. They at least had some idea of what to expect.

She eyed both sets of Trateri, wishing not for the first time that she had undertaken this journey alone. Keeping all of these people alive was going to take a miracle.

“Of course, I’d be happy to share what I know.” Shea looked down to where Mist was still burrowed into her. “Perhaps we can pick this up tomorrow. There are a few things that need my

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