Mistress-of-the-Game - By Tilly Bagshawe Sidney Sheldon Page 0,80

an exception.

"Now that our business is concluded, bella, perhaps we can turn our minds to pleasure?"

His eyes crawled over Lexi's body like lice. She was wearing a formfitting Marchesa suit that did full justice to her voluptuous figure. Her cream silk blouse revealed the merest hint of lace detailing on her bra. Antonio Valaperti thought: She wants me. I've seen it a thousand times. She's young, but she's turned on by power. Perhaps that's why she's been so foolish with this deal? She's too concerned about getting her pussy licked.

Lexi watched the old man across the table and suppressed the urge to laugh out loud.

There's no fool like an old fool. He actually thinks I'm attracted to him!

After all the hype about Antonio Valaperti - the way August Sandford talked about him, you'd have thought the man had magical powers - Lexi was almost disappointed by how easy it had been to outsmart Rome's answer to The Donald. She had just sold Valaperti what he believed to be highly valuable land just south of Villa Borghese Park, in one of the city's most upscale residential areas. In fact, the forty-acre parcel was about to become all but worthless. With a few well-placed bribes, and the help of her trusty low-cut blouse - they should really put my cream silk Stella McCartney on the front page of Forbes, she thought. It's saved Kruger-Brent a lot more money on this trip than I have - Lexi had discovered that all development permits within a kilometer radius of the Spanish Steps were about to be rescinded.

Of course, it never occurred to Antonio Valaperti that an outsider, an American, might have greater access to Italy's corridors of power than he had. Especially not this pretty little slip of a girl young enough to be his daughter. Deaf, too, God bless her. Americans really did have some very strange ideas about how to run a business.

"Would that I could, Antonio. Would that I could." Every head in the restaurant of the Hotel Hassler swiveled to watch Lexi as she stood up to leave. "But I'm afraid I have pressing business in Florence tomorrow morning. I must get an early night. Good night."

Antonio Valaperti watched her leave, biting back his irritation.

Little tease. She thinks she's played me. He signaled to the waiter to bring him the check. When you find out how much that land is really worth, sweetheart, you'll see who's played whom.

Then you'll know what it feels like to get fucked in the ass by Antonio Valaperti.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Lexi checked in to the Villa San Michele, an idyllic former monastery turned luxury hotel perched high in the Florentine hills.

I love Italy, she thought as she stepped out of her traveling clothes and into the marble-tiled shower. She'd chosen the San Michele because its high walls made it impossible for the paparazzi to disturb her there. For once in her life, Lexi felt in need of a break from all the attention and this was the perfect place to get it. Robbie had told her that Italy was astonishingly beautiful. But not even his elaborate praise had done it justice. Rome was so spectacular Lexi found she was catching her breath at every turn in the road. It was like stepping back in time. But if the Villa San Michele was anything to go by, she had a suspicion she was going to enjoy Tuscany even more.

Her triumph over Valaperti was all the sweeter because August Sandford had been so sure she would fail. Lexi herself had had her doubts. She found lip-reading much harder with foreigners, who formed English words differently, and had even considered traveling to Italy with an interpreter.

Thank God I didn't. All those cozy dinners-a-deux with Valaperti were what clinched us the deal.

Over the past year, Lexi's relationship with August had thawed, somewhat. She still thought he was arrogant and sexist. He still resented her for being Kate Blackwell's great-granddaughter. But each of them had developed a grudging respect for the other's business skills. August was flying in to Florence that night, and for once Lexi was looking forward to having dinner with him.

Maybe now he'll admit I might actually make a good chairman. That I'm as capable of running Kruger-Brent as he is.

The restaurant at the Villa San Michele spilled out onto a medieval terrace covered with thick vines. From her table, Lexi could see the formal monastery gardens with their box hedges and gravel paths.

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