Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,57

the hall was clear, he drew Ruby outside with him. He led her down the hall to his chamber, knocked rapidly, and they waited for what seemed like an eternity to hear footsteps inside.

“What do you want?” Parker demanded, sounding cross.

“It’s Stockwick,” Hector replied.

“And Mrs. Roper,” Ruby whispered, too.

The door was immediately unlocked and opened wide to admit them. Ruby rushed inside and went straight to the bed, where her boy lay sleeping.

She smoothed his hair back from his face then found his bound wrist under the blankets. Pip whimpered in his sleep then settled back into slumber.

Ruby exhaled slowly, relieved she still had her son. But she was also afraid. Mr. Roper had a mean temper when he didn’t get his way. And he’d found her so quickly she was reeling. He’d certainly return for another attempt to take the boy. She turned to share her suspicions with Hector, but he appeared in deep conversation with his valet.

“Have there been any movements of servants past this room?” Hector asked.

“No, my lord,” the valet promised. “It’s been quiet.”

Ruby let out a relieved breath but that didn’t mean the danger wouldn’t return.

“Good. Let’s be sure it will remain that way. Go downstairs and fetch me a glass of milk.”

Parker raised a brow. “Milk, my lord?”

Hector scowled at him. “All right, not milk, but you know what I mean. Ask for another bowl of warm custard, perhaps. Anything. Find out if they know anything about those men. Try to find out who was involved and if they are coming back. I don’t care to be surprised again.”

“A very good idea.”

Parker slipped from the room, and Hector was suddenly at Ruby’s side, his hand outstretched. She gripped him tightly. “How could strangers get past every servant in the house and into my room?”

“I don’t know.”

“Wherever we go, Mr. Roper will find us? I can’t lose Pip.”

“You won’t.”

“Where can we go that is safer than here?”

“Anywhere would be better, I should think.” Hector squeezed her hand tighter in his. “We’ll leave tomorrow and make plans for our final destination on the journey.”

“You don’t have to go with us,” she warned.

Hector leaned down and whispered into her ear, “You’re not going anywhere without me tagging along to keep you safe now.”

“We could go to my cousin in Cornwall,” she suggested.

Hector dropped a kiss to her hair. “Clement is supposed to be on the way here, remember. But with luck, we might meet him en route and seek his counsel about all this first.”

Hector pulled Ruby up, sat down in her place, and then settled her onto his lap. He cuddled her close and Ruby clung to him. If not for Hector retiring early, Pip might have been miles away.

“I imagine Pip is safe for the time being.”

“I can’t stay here,” she agreed.

“We’ll have to stay until dawn. Blundering about on a dark snowy night would be just as dangerous.”

Ruby stared at her son even as she snuggled deeper into Hector’s arms. Pip was so innocent and fragile. “I’d be so afraid if not for your calm and strength tonight,” she whispered to Hector.

“I’m here for you.”

It was more than an hour later when Parker returned, slipping into the room using the room key. Hector was relieved to see him at last. “Where have you been?”

Parker winced. “The servants hall was in an uproar. I honestly don’t think they had any idea about those men coming in, but they certainly took great pains to chase them away. They were followed and shot at, I heard. I don’t believe those particular men would dare return tonight, not unless someone paid them very well.”

Hector shrugged. “Unlikely they’ll return tonight but tomorrow…”

Tomorrow could see more men come to take the boy. It would be over his dead body.

“The butler was storming around, checking all the locks as I came up and berating everyone who got in his way. I was questioned, too, and warned to be vigilant. I didn’t let on about the boy’s near abduction, as you warned me not to say anything.”

“Good.” Hector rose, sliding Ruby off his lap to stand. He brought Ruby’s hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. “Mrs. Roper and her son will be leaving first thing in the morning.”

Ruby looked at him with wide, frightened eyes. “Without you?”

“With me, too,” Hector promised her. “I’m afraid I might never let either of you out of my sight again.” He kissed her hand again, but she moved closer. “I’ve been thinking

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