Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,376

men return tonight. It won’t be the same to wake up tomorrow on Christmas Day without them.

“I hope so too.” Ariane left to organize a tray of food, and to let the guests know she was still feeling under the weather but a little better than yesterday.

Chapter Nine

The day seemed to last forever. As darkness fell around mid-afternoon, Ariane and Kingsley tried to take Harriet’s mind off Blade and Trello by playing cards and parlor games, but by dinner, her heart sank. As she climbed the stairs to bed, a tear tracked down her cheek. She prayed her brother and the man she loved were safe. It would be dangerous to travel in the dark with the snow on the ground. The chances of them making it home this Christmas Eve, let alone being with all the family on Christmas Day, seemed to be dashed.

She’d bid her lady's maid good night and was lying in her warm bed dreaming of Blade. She was just dozing, dreaming of his kisses when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Quite a few footsteps.

Diving for her robe she scurried to the door, and the servants were racing up and down the stairs with buckets of hot water dressed in their nightwear. “Have they returned?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“Where are they?”

“Both in their rooms. They need to get out of their wet clothes.”

Blast. She could hardly openly visit Blade in his rooms. Or could she? She turned back to her bedchamber and closed the door. She would wait until the servants retired and then visit his room.

She paced. Her body singing with nerves and love and happiness.

The house was silent when she finally slipped out of her room. Even blindfolded she could find her way to Blade’s room. As she entered, her smile almost wouldn’t fit through the door. He had declared his love for her to her brother. Now he needed to admit it to her.

She stopped just inside the door, closing it quietly behind her. The room was hot as a huge fire roared in the grate, but what drew her eye and caused her body to ignite, was the large bathing tub set directly in front of the fire. Or rather, the man sitting naked within it.

She tiptoed across the room. She understood why he did not turn at her approach because when she walked around the tub to face him she saw he was asleep, snoring softly.

Exhaustion marred his handsome features, and she couldn’t help herself. She leaned over and kissed his lips. She felt his lips break into a smile as his eyes flickered open. “My beautiful mermaid.”

She drew back and cupped his chin with her hand. “More like my merman tonight.”

He drew her down for another kiss. The kiss was demanding, yet soft, and soon she could not think of anything but being in this man’s arms.

Finally, he broke the kiss on a ragged breath.

She scolded him. “I’m so happy you’re home safe. Lord Fallon was not worth risking your life over.”

He frowned. “He tried to abduct you. He almost killed you. If I hadn’t found you… I wanted to kill him.”

“Please tell me you didn’t.” At his raised eyebrow she added, “Please tell me Trello didn’t kill him either.”

“Your brother’s men have escorted him to the coast and are putting him on a ship bound for the Americas. Fallon knows if he steps foot back on English soil, he’s a dead man.”

“Well, I didn’t want him dead, but I’m pleased he is no longer in England.” She perched herself on the edge of the tub, admiring the view. “And I’m very pleased you are here in time for Christmas.”

“I too am very pleased,” Blade said with a smile that saw her limbs tremble. “I was hoping to propose to a beautiful woman and be engaged by Christmas day.”

She looked at the clock on the mantle. “It’s Christmas day already, you know.”

“Then I best get on with it. My happiness depends on the lady’s answer.” With that, he rose from the tub like Poseidon rising from the sea. She jumped away from the droplets of water and to give herself a better view of the glorious body before her.

He stepped from the tub, grabbing a towel he wrapped it around his waist, much to her disappointment, and moved to the dresser. After ruffling in the top draw, he drew out a little silk bag, and she gasped when she saw the beautiful ruby ring hiding within.

His face was fervent as he

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